Personally, I worked only from the office, but in the last couple of months, it helped a lot sometimes to stay and work from home, so currently, I'm working combined. What about you? What do you prefer and why?
I prefer working from home because it gives me more flexibility and control over my work schedule. I can start and finish work when I am most productive, and I don't have to waste time commuting.
I've always found that a combination of office and remote work can be pretty productive.
The main thing is that there is a comfortable chair in the office and colleagues do not make noise)
Hybrid mode has to be recognized amongst fundamental human rights. There are days you feel great to work from home and days you need an office to hideaway from family.
I used to always visit customers pre COVID and the 20 years prior. I would have not had it any other way. During the lovckdowns, I had to accustom myself to working from home which initially was daunting. Now I find that travelling to customers and meeting them face to face is really appreciated but at the same time if travelling by car it's a lot of time out of the day that could have been used far more productively, especially now that I can do virtual meetings with customers in any location. I am fortunate in that have a comfortable home environment.
Combined! I like going to office, meeting with coworkers, exchanging ideas, drinking coffee together etc that's why I would choose going to office most of the time. But it's also nice to be able to stay home from time to time, especially when theres bad weather.
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