For product makers, taking care of health seems really important.💪🏻
I go to the gym or do yoga 3 times a week.
If you have any health tips, please let me know!
Thanks for raising this issue up.. Kind of went through all the answers...These days we're all messed up in handling things that we actually ignore health.. Earning money these days is another level of obsession/addiction
i think strength training is still slept on in the general fitness population. leg strength in particular is one of the strongest predictors of all-cause mortality.
i need to workout to keep me sane. strength training 4-5x/week, running 1-2x/week when its nice out, walking the dogs
cheap plug alert -- i also use for tracking macros when i really want to dial in the diet!
Something small I like to do that I don't think has been mentioned yet is doing breathwork. There are many different types of breathing to learn about that can help to calm you, start recovery at the end of a workout, etc. I especially like box breathing and ujjayi breathing. I'd definitely add these on after taking other steps toward health but they've been a nice addition to the rest of my routine!
Move, eat well, sleep a lot, hang out with friends and family, spend time in nature, practuice mindfullnes.
That is basically it. But I do this every day.
For me, it’s all about balance. I make sure to drink plenty of water, eat fruits and veggies, and take breaks to relax. Yoga and stretching help me stay limber too!
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Sunrise: Guided Journaling & Mindfulness
Sunrise: Guided Journaling & Mindfulness
Sunrise: Guided Journaling & Mindfulness
Sunrise: Guided Journaling & Mindfulness