Some books can have a profound impact on us and can change our views and lives.
One of the examples is the "Foundation" by Isaak Asimov for Elon Musk which was a source of inspiration for him. What are yours?
Great discussion @elizabeth_tischencko . Honestly, I would say, I've never felt about any book as a turning point, but, I really got admired by this book called 'First, break all the rules' by Marcus buckingham and Curt Coffman. The book really is wonderful as it explains how to better employee satisfaction with the examples of real incidents how the best managers have tackled those situations.
The main source of inspiration for me is my native language books, but the book I'm reading in English is well worth it, "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie.
The Ride of a Lifetime - Bob Iger
The incredible storytelling of a career forged through continuous growth, learning, and rising to the challenge. It lit an “entrepreneurial” fire within me - I re-read it every year.
Books have the incredible power to change our lives, but there is one that was a turning point in my life. The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov was the one that opened the doors to the world of literature for me and inspired me to pursue a career in writing. I also started reading motivational texts, for example about purpose of life is helping others, I used for this. The wonderful combination of magic, philosophy and humor in this novel captured my imagination and showed me how words can transform reality. "The Master and Margarita" inspired me to study the art of writing and find my own voice in the world of words. She left an indelible mark on my heart and was a turning point in my life.
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