Aaron O'Leary

What are the most defining moments in your maker journey?


For me it was joining Product Hunt, it brought me fully into the maker sphere and helped me understand more of what it takes to succeed

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Jay Michaelson
For me it was creating the project and launching it, which was a huge milestone for me. Creating it was a defining moment because it meant taking everything I had learned through the years, and actually implementing it into my own project. Plus, it meant learning many new things that before starting this project, I was not confident I could actually do on my own, so once I did it and actually launched the project and saw that it was actually doable and was working, it felt like a huge milestone had been achieved.
Vadym Shcherbakov
Hi Aaron! Nice to hear it! As for me it was starting the Sales process of my product. That was the time when I felt all the Lean principles on myself and have seen what are the steps to succeed.
Aaron O'Leary
@vadim_shcherbakov Thats a tough process to get right! Did it go well? :D
Vadym Shcherbakov
@aaronoleary we are in the middle) We already have our successes and failures in this area, but right now the vision of our way becomes more and more clear each day
Emma Joy
You are right. To start a product is not as easy task as many people consider. Yet you can check this https://imirich.com/บาคาร่า บาคาร่า
Johannes Grenzemann
Congrats :) One milestone was when i first got product responsibility in a job - and could go full circle (idea > vision > mvp > sales support > first big customer wins). After this product I knew, entrepreneurship it is 😻
Ken Savage
Getting on a bunch of national tv news shows being interviewed about my website
Sold an ebook about the whole story. Did pretty well 😉
Matt Gordon
Actually shipping a project (for the product hunt makers festival 2.0)
Anthony Abis
Alexander Moen
for me, it's keeping in mind what is going to have the biggest impact in the business and not just keeping busy. It's very easy to go through a checklist of a million things. But, how many of those are really going to matter? What are the main levers of your business and how are you pushing those? That's where the magic is. Do that frequently and especially when you don't feel like it.
Isaac Ng
Using Twitter! I reached out to this PM on Twitter after reading her Medium post that got retweeted by the likes of Garry Tan. Because of that one DM, we were able to seed Tinyask with some early content and had people reaching out wanting to take our MVP for a spin. We've since made a lot of progress product and distribution wise - feel free to check out https://tinyask.co !
Caique Pereira
As a software engineer, I always like to create projects to process what I was learning. One of those projects was an app, and I put it on Play Store to learn how to to it. After 1 week of it with only a few downloads (mine and friends) I felt bad about it, I really wanted more and that was the spark.
Deepak Yadav
Its interesting to create products and solutions as a company or startup which turns into a system that is crucial to solve problems. That big system needs lot of consistent efforts from lot of people to build and maintain the entire system. However turning point into my maker journey is when I explored simple product design using Work flows and components like Excel sheet, airtable database, notion database and no code tools to develop products. These products are quick to develop with in a day or two. It also requires smart analysis and understanding to figure out the most simple solution to a problem. I am planning to build 50+ products like this by the end of the year.
Farink KEY
Josh Person
joining Product Hunt has opened my eyes to all the great stuff other makers are creating! Sometimes I get so laser focused on my particular industry. Refreshing to see it all in one place.
Eugene Hauptmann
Realizing that distribution channel is more important for today's startup than the product itself.
Albert Kozlowski
For me it was shipping the first product. Getting something on-line was bigger than raising money for selling the company. Without raising money or selling the company I would be still a maker, as I delivered something to people. Recently I soft launched my 2nd startup, and it feels great, having something out there.
José Junior de Oliveira
Nada é impossível
Bernard Zitzer
Getting your first Subcsriber + Customer. That feeling of itself is just crazy. It means someone is intersted in the stuff you're putting out. And when you are able to put your stuff in front of more "similar" eyes and faces, something magical happens. It's super addictive.
Anton Ross
To begin with, raise the standard of living and become free. To do greater things
Suvojit Manna
1st user and joining Twitter 😁