Ghost Kitty

What are the biggest challenges of working from home?


Increasing trends towards remote work have resulted in quick improvisation for both employers and employees. Working from home offers many benefits, but there are some challenges associated with it. What are some of the challenges you might have faced while working from home?

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Segun Ketiku
There is a lot but it's also a blessing; 1. My newborn get's lot of my attention which can be very demanding. 2. My team members' responsiveness it's not at par with working at the office. 3. There is a lot of distraction, which can also help you to be more disciplined, depending on how you see it.
Staying at work JUST 8h is the biggest challenge in home office :DD
Sean Song
@maria_brm set up a regular workout to break long hours of work. I run at 5PM.
@seansong @nabeel_amir The problem is not a leak of productivity, it's reverse way: the problem is to set boundaries and not work extra hours when it's not necessary :DD
Nevena Sofranic
I was struggling with setting boundaries cause I was online all the time. However, the most significant increase in my productivity and day-to-day life came after I decided to structure my flexible working hours and stick to the schedule.
G. M. Mehdi
Kids! You can minimize distractions, but you can't minimize kids!
Sean Song
@sarita_rita same here. Sara, would you please support us with a 2min online survey for remote work? link here:
The major challenge is work-life balance. I dedicate a lot of time towards work and often spend very less time with my family. Switching context between home and work is very challenging and at times it takes a toll on my productivity.
@ram_rk I can definitely relate. I didn't even realise how much of a problem this was for me until I researched this topic for one of my blog posts and realised how important structure and healthy boundaries actually are. I am working hard these days to follow my own advice 🤭
Shebuel Inyang
Power Supply. Low motivation sometimes
Shebuel Inyang
@nabeel_amir Yeah exactly. Hopefully I’m able to get my alternative supply set up in a couple of months.
Segun Ketiku
@shebuel_inyang This is a major problem in developing countries, I will also throw in steady internet availability.
Sohail Ahmad
Staying motivated. There are lots of distractions you have to face.
Sandra Djajic
I find it easy to be distracted when I'm working from home. There's always something that needs to be done around the house so it's definitely a challenge to just focus on work. To avoid this, I spend most of my time in the office as I find myself more focused and productive. It's also great to work with my colleagues in person.
Rosemarie Pilapitiya
the challenges I face would be very long powercuts & distraction.
Muhammad Effendi
Finding a quiet place!
Surprisingly... 🤭 Healthy boundaries. Between work and life. Between productivity and overworking. etc.