Well, best way I have figured out so far with all the users from topmate is to understand the supply-demand relationship statistically.
Then talk about them, generate a buzz about it using the audience you have and then give aways or discounted offers are always a big hit in a price sensitive audience.
Ultimately using those free conversions to drive them into paid ones has been a route for all the stalwarts we have currently in the Personal Branding Space.
Shivi, tailor your pitch to highlight transformational success stories and the unique ROI your personal branding services offer, focusing on how you can elevate a client's digital presence. Also, showcase your expertise by providing a mini-audit or insights into their current branding, demonstrating immediate value.
@xyz_333 Really good point here love it ! I do have case studies and we usually work with clients and build a ist level pitch which is mostly focused on personal strategy
I was actually looking for a personal branding service, and what I am looking for are case studies or examples of their work. Let's say it's LinkedIn or Instagram, I would ask to see some samples of their work.
Now obv, I don't know if the profiles they send over are actually profiles they have worked on, but I try to get a feel for the quality of their work.
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