We all have learning experiences from building our projects. Some of that could be helpful to new makers in the community, what are some of your top tips?
1. Create Twitter for following
2. Create Profile Pic for twitter
3. Create Github account
4. Create Figma account
5. Create Product Hunt account
6. Draft design on Figma
7. Create a new repo on Github
8. Create Stripe Account
9. Use Netlify or Vercel to deploy personal site
10. Buy Personal Domain
11. Create First Project & Make Pre-sales
12. Launch on Product Hunt
14. Keep Making Projects
15. Show projects you make on your personal site
16. Participate with other makers on twitter and product hunt
17. Get Feedback
18. Improve your projects
19. Customer Support
20. Keep Making
Never ask “How do I get started”or “How do I (fill in the blank)”.
Don’t solicit theories you need direct, practical answers.
Instead get moving on something.
Then ask, “I did (a),(b), and (c) but still hitting a roadblock. For achieving (blank)”
Show someone what you have done, and where you want to go. No one wants to do your homework for you.
Just because what you are building already exists doesn't mean you should give up. There is always something you can add, iterate on, improve or even just market better than the existing competitor.
Besides, someone offering something similar to what you are doing is a sign of a healthy market!
Don't let your love for your idea blind you.
Ask other people if they're also feeling the love. In other words, talk about your idea to anyone who'll listen, outside of your family and friends, to get their reaction. Do this before investing any significant time into development.
Have fun and do what you love! You may commercially succeed with your first product, but most of Makers iterate for years to find a great market fit and to build a sustainable product and organization around. You need to ensure your motivation engine is in the "marathon mode".
It very well may be somewhat overpowering for first-time producers to design, get ready and really shoot their first on the web , however you'll have more achievement on the off chance that you can unwind.
There are a lot of pointers that can help and beneath we've accumulated a couple of tips from the experts to assist you with your first shoot – seemingly insignificant details that will help when you are in area.
Every idea you have that sounds good -- test it. And don't ask too much of the opinion of people around you, they're likely to be supportive but won't have a clue of how to make things right
Standing Start Co.
Anything World