Looking for the perfect brand name that checks all the boxes? Enter Namify ✨ It not only uses AI to generate the most suitable brand name for your product or startup, but also does:
✅Trademark check
✅Domain check
✅Username check
🔥AND offers a free logo!
Namify is a lifesaver. It's user-friendly, it gives you tons of creative options, and it even helps with the technical side of things. Plus, the free logo coupon is a fantastic bonus. I highly recommend checking it out!
Unlike other name generators, Namify offers a complete branding toolkit. With the new AI name generation update and the trademark checks, I think Namify has outdone itself. This is exactly the kind of product that a startup needs in those early days when the brand is being set up.
Its like a swiss army knife! Brand name suggestions, trademark check, domain name check, social media username check, and so much more! Soo helpful when you are starting up.