I don't use any special tools, but here are some tips:
- Silence all phone notifications from 9 to 6 (except for phone calls).
- Every hour and a half, I get up from my chair and walk around the building or outside for a few minutes.
- The daily/weekly tasks are broken into small pieces to help get more of a sense of accomplishment, and so that no task feels like a huge one.
@swapnil_vats Definitely depends on company culture. We use only Slack for work communications, and for me, WhatsApp is mainly for personal use and so distracting :\
Focus on one thing at a time. Never try to do more than one thing in a go. A simple example of multitasking is when you are writing an email but at the same time, you are listening to music. That is not true multitasking. The truth is, when you are listening to music and writing an email, your mind is actually divided and is doing two things at the same time. Instead, try listening to music when you are not doing anything else. Focus on one thing at a time and get your task done.
Luna Ring