Aaron O'Leary

What advice would you give to your younger self?

We all have moments where we go, "I wish I knew that when I was young", I know I have plenty *cough* buy bitcoin when I was 15 *cough*. What's yours? 👀

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Ben Drellishak
Invest in your relationships, later down the road you're going to need some help
Leyla Aliyeva
Dear me young, put your happiness first:) Spot putting so much focus on how your actions are making others feel, and worry more about yourself. 😇
Aaron O'Leary
@leyla_aliyeva1 Yes love this! Think a lot of people including myself would do this
Aaron O'Leary
Outside of the obvious, I would have to say I'd tell my younger self to buy toilet paper company stock prior to 2020
Aaron O'Leary
@brenna_donoghue Making bank from cushelle panic buying
Christian Lowe
I would 100% tell myself to invest more in friendships and to be intentional about keeping up with people. I would also tell myself that things like my SAT score, and my GPA are far less important in my professional life than I could ever have imagined.
Brenna Donoghue
@deeblekpantha If only I understood how little grads and test scores would matter. No one cares a hot minute after graduating.
Take risk learn about short tum stocks (forex/crypto) and learn learn learn
Brenna Donoghue
Dear 2019 self, go build tools for remote work. And make a comfortable workspace at home, because that 2 weeks of remote work is more like 2ish years...
Aaron O'Leary
@brenna_donoghue Hahaha nothing has been truer!
"The most important thing about art is to work. Nothing else matters except sitting down every day and trying" - The War of Art I would tell myself to work on something a little bit each day. It is amazing how much a little bit of work compounds over months or even years.
Rehan Choudhry
You can handle more than you can imagine. No matter how much it feels like it in the moment, trust me, it's not the end of you.
Biema Christina Banez
Dear Younger Self, Nothing comes easy. Avoid the comfort zone. Take delight in hard work. Success is not an end goal. Growth's unending. Love, Today's Self 😇
Brenna Donoghue
@bibim_banez Avoid the comfort zone... yes. I feel like Michele captures it perfectly here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/m...
Anna Kanstantsinava
Don't waste your time, learn new things, travel more and get out of your country
David J. Kim
I mean outside of the "buy this stock" it's focus on a very very specific problem that a few people would love if it's solved.
Aaron O'Leary
@between_team Any ideas on what that problem would be? 🧐
Will Veazey
I would tell my younger self what he needs to know. When people need information. Regarding where for sure, why, how to. And who to contact so you can do it. Where you can be kinder to yourself. Find out where there is virtually no competition and begin your journey. Being found with help of people googling on the world wide web. (1) Advice I would tell my younger self. https://bit.ly/3ctS358 (2) What I would tell my younger self. https://bit.ly/3yYGVF0
Sarvam Fating
Take risks, but take them fast. Learn fast, Fail fast. But primarily, I wish I knew how to make money online at 17 itself.
Aliaksandr Kandratsiuk
Learn languages via travelling and studying in the different countries. The conclusion is to learn people and culture to get benefits all life long.
Sarvam Fating
To the 18yr old me : You can't bury the Past, but you can bury those who caused it.
Emil Ahayeu
Hey! Cool question:) I would advise myself to study programming and entrepreneurship since high school and university. And also that it is better to work with your brain than with your hands. I worked as a cook in restaurants for five years and only after that went into IT:))
Pankti Shah
Dear younger me take new challenges and worst situations as an opportunity for your growth.
Joanne Hurley
I would tell my younger work self to be ok with my own boundaries and it's not rude to enforce them
Gaurav Goyal
Hi Young me, Take some risks and start-up. Why are you in your comfort zone? 'Work and beer' over and over without any aim is killing you. Do this 30 years later may be. Actually, not even then. Never do it.
Rich Watson
The app and service we're working on is for stock/futures/forex/crypto traders and we have a big (16,000 members) Discord community where the action is at. I've noticed when we startedthe influx of new traders being so younf- ages as low as 13. I would give my 13-14 year old self the advice to put down the gaming controller and start studying the markets and how to trade. These kids are becoming successful, and could be millionaires by the time they graduate high school of they hone their craft or find a solid stock, commodity, or crypto to invest in early enough.