As a Product Maker/Hunter or Start-up team member, what's the biggest or most enjoyable learning or achievement you can think of?
Let's inspire each other! Enjoy your summer everyone!
@audrey_rampon Thanks Audrey - its a big jump but I am so motivated that I can help others with it because it has done so much for me already! I really respect my time now and really optimise it to do things I love - not things that pacify me!
@acgoff Thanks Alex, I'll pass the nice feedback onto the team :) KosmoTime is actually made for time blocking. It's quite intuitive, you block time directly in your calendar for any task. You can also create Focus Blocks: simply batch similar tasks together for a better time and task management. And you can also make those Focus Blocks recurring.
@audrey_rampon Yeahh I really struggled with sticking to the plan. I would find I wasn't in the right frame of mind to code or do design or write copy, so it kinda fell apart. Thats why I built everyhour as it is retroactive, I work on what I want to when I want to and I review if I am spending enough time in those areas - that way when I am motivated I dive in as I know what I need to focus on.
Any tips for sticking to your time blocking schedule?
The effects of Covid are still present, and I'm sure others, like myself, have found the first half of 2021 challenging from a marketing and communications standpoint. One of the biggest lessons learned (which is really just reiterating what I already knew) is to be authentic, engage in storytelling, and try to focus on community rather than 'sales'.
20/80 rule applies in almost all areas of business. For example, I have 15 digital products ( and 20% of them (about 3) get the most traction.
While it's important to work hard (especially in a small startup) working under pressure eventually wears everyone down. Always allow yourself to take a step back, take a breather and allow your teammates to do the same. It actually helps everyone to propel forward.
Enjoy summer 2021 it is amazing) the biggest learning is that life can change in a second. Bumm and you are in new startup in new team in new niche ! Do not be afraid of massive change!
1. I understood that to develop a new habit, I need a lot of clarity as to why Im doing it. It took me close to 3 months to just commit to it. 2. As a startup founder, as I went down the rabbit hole of understanding the problem Im trying to solve, I realized that I can approach different segments of a person's life. Creating a wholesome product to solve a deep problem takes more than a few months. It needs commitment, patience, steady work and strategy.
Limpet - easy links and snippets
Limpet - easy links and snippets
Limpet - easy links and snippets
Limpet - easy links and snippets
Team Tracker
Encrypted Image Filtering App
#MatchingVoices Podcast - Season 1
Second Brain for Engineering Managers
Killed by Apple, Google and Microsoft