Recently, I've noticed an increasing challenge faced by tech startups - the difficulty in identifying the right talent. This is a recurring issue that frequently arises among my clients. Finding top talent is a crucial mission for any company looking to succeed in today's competitive market.
If your workforce is average, especially for top positions your future is shaky.
I strongly believe in the importance of finding the right job for awesome people, as character traits and willingness are more challenging to change than skills. Matching individuals with positions that align with their values, passions, and strengths not only benefits the individual but also leads to higher job satisfaction, improved performance, and better overall results for the company.
This is why I believe that creating a long-term list of outstanding people who could potentially be a great fit for my company or my clients' companies would be a valuable asset. Keeping track of talented individuals who possess the right mix of skills, character, and willingness can help us quickly identify potential candidates when the need arises, and ensure that we are continuously building a strong pool of talent for the future.
This is how I fulfilled many roles for various companies over the years. It's one of the most lucrative strategies. There are others as well like profiling people with bias alert glasses on. It's way better to hire the right person than to create turnover and a lot of costly mistakes.
Share yours, please. :)
P.S. TOP people hunting is one of my secret hobbies. Don't tell anyone because I have enough of these missions for the people I work with. :)
If you break it down. It's all about incentive. To get paid vs find product market fit. That's why the startup model is so powerful. Founders are incentivised to find product market fit. Employees are incentivised to get paid.