Namrata Arya

Too many bots in the Discussions?


Have you guys noticed too? They’re usually the first to comment. The comment is usually just paraphrasing the actual topic. They’re substance-less and nonsensical. Been seeing a rise in these kind of accounts off late. PH Team hope you’re listening

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Just started noticing this (and there was a question of how do you use AI, for which such a rephrased answer was in the discussion ::sweat_smile:). Not sure who is benefiting from this though.
Namrata Arya
@rakesh1 my theory is that they’re trying to pose as genuine users in order to fool the PH algorithm. Upvotes from these accounts are then being sold as a black hat way to game the rankings
Cyril Gupta
Not just that... If the PH team is listening they will notice a lot of issues in many places. There are groups right now to generate votes for launches and 'consultants'... Who organize cliques. This is not what ProductHunt's vision is for sure.
André J
Hit the report button in their profile. It's the only way.
Dana Rudenko
Yes! Unless the team does something about it I really don't see any point in Discussions. Just a stream of empty bot-filled topics, no moderation or anything. Hoping this is just a "beta" (they've released of a bunch of new raw-ish features recently) and they're watching what sticks.
Glad it wasn't just me! Even more glad that someone pointed it out! 😅