Today, I had a dream. I was pitching a new product in front of a huge crowd, a better sleep device and additionally, we had an innovative pillow, for improving sleep and you could carry it everywhere.
Have you ever had a dream of any idea?
I had a dream of some artificial wing that allows me to fly and walk in the middle of the sky, but I remember the resistance is too much with the air that I was thinking of a better design
I had a dream last night that I invented a new type of sandwich called a 'soggy biscuit'. It was just a plain biscuit that got dunked in various sauces until it fell apart. For some reason, everyone in the dream was really excited about it and wanted to invest in my new company. It made no logical sense but dreams often don't! Have any of you ever had a strange product idea dream that didn't quite add up?
In the vivid dream that unfolded before me, I experienced a thrilling and heart-pounding scenario. As I looked around, I realized I was freefalling from a sleek jet aircraft, hurtling toward a serene lake below. However, this was no ordinary lake; it was a spectacle of nature with its pristine waters shimmering beneath the radiant sun.
The heart-stopping moment intensified as I drew closer to the lake's surface. The water
, to my astonishment, was at an alarmingly low level, revealing the intricate patterns of the lakebed below. As I entered this surreal aquatic world, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the unusual sight.
The dream left me with a lingering sense of mystery and adventure, as I wondered about the significance of this unique experience and what it might symbolize in the realm of dreams.