louis sankey

The Pomodoro Technique is Outdated - Time for a New Paradigm!


I've always hated the Pomodoro Technique, but recently I've started using what I call The Fibonacci Technique. Here’s how it works: Use the Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 up to 89) as focus estimates for your tasks. For example, can you finish the task your working on in under 55 minutes, what about under 34? This forces you to start with the end in mind. If you still have work to do after your estimate, just make a second estimate. Maybe you can finish up in under 8 minutes, or under 5. My problem with Pomodoro is that you never think about how fast you could finish a task if you actually tried. Is that supposed to make you more productive? Would you try the Fibonacci Technique? I went ahead and made the perfect app for it just incase. Spiral - Zen Time Tracker (www.spiralzen.com) If you’re interested, I’d love your support! Upvote, ask any questions, and follow me to stay updated as I prepare for launch!

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