In my personal opinion, yes and no.
Early on i.e. pre-Series A, sure. Chances are the founder is a domain expert, thought leader, and has solved a problem in a unique way. Injecting their understanding of this into marketing is great. Also, the company is likely to be evolving still.
To any founder, or, service provider, I would unequivocally caution the answer is "no" mid-to-longer term - say, post Series-A. It's like any other function, the founder (assuming a senior leader, i.e. CEO) should be focused on strategy, operations, etc. as well as thought leadership and relationships. They should rely on experts to perform work in functional areas. This is more true today with Marketing since the rapidly evolving digital martech space has now entered AI-driven capabilities. There's too much change and evolution that is frankly more than a founder or leader should spend their time on.
Net is, IMHO, no matter how great, expert, skilled, passionate etc. a founder is, like any other function, they will have a force multiplier affect by having true marketing expertise and resources drive the function. You don't know what you don't know, until that occurs. Good question with lots of pros/cons.
@olenabomko@mohammad_elzahaby You can always check out a publishing platform. You fully take care of the app and keep it under your name and they take care of marketing and monetization, UA... if you are interested check out MWM or just reply here and we can figure it out.
Before building anything, the founder should validate the idea/business, so the founder is supposed to do some kind of marketing before working on the tech!
@mathis_vella How are you doing this? I just know one way to be honest and its via publishing platforms such as MWM that cover the marketing costs for me and test the app on my behalf . Any other other way?
I believe it's essential. I'm a fan of the book "The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-by-Step Guide for Building a Great Company." Engaging with customers and being a part of marketing from the outset is of paramount importance
I think yes. Especially if we speak of Indie hackers. It seems paramount to own the end-2-end journey as an indie hacker. But it also depends the business. I think, if you sell shoes it might be less important than if you're building a SaaS where the developer community is critical to your success.
Yes, the answer is always yes.
No matter if you are a tech founder, a Product founder, a Business founder. You must do marketing for your product.
Best Known product beats Best product every time
I think yes, having the tech founder handle marketing is ideal. They naturally understand the technicalities and customer needs, making the approach genuine and effective. When the founder takes charge, it really makes a difference.
Definitely yes. When it comes to sell smth, "the leader" first should have ability of marketing and selling. because, marketing includes any activity to grow your business. Go to investor, create team, support etc.
Just as tech development requires specialization, so does marketing.
Unless tech founders have the skills, knowledge, or tools to execute marketing campaigns across different channels and platforms they should not get involved in the marketing campaign.
They can certainly assist their marketing team and provide them with guidance, feedback, and support, however tech founders must trust them to do their job well and empower them to make decisions.
@olenabomko That should be built around your abilities in tech not in marketing. To do that, you need to display your talents, prove your expertise and competence by producing useful content that informs, amuses, or motivates your audience.
Help your audience as a tech founder by providing solutions to the problems or challenges that your audience faces. That too will supplement your team's marketing effort.
Absolutely, founders, even tech ones, should dive into marketing. It’s essential for understanding customer needs, shaping the product narrative, and driving initial growth.
Definitely!There are many famous products winning for their founder start to write SEO articles and other marketing content. After all they are the one who know their product best. And people are more willing to trust those founders who cares their users.
Depends on what your definition of doing marketing is.
I think every founder, regardless of responsibility should always be spreading the company vision & building awareness.
@olenabomko Truth be told, I don't have much expertise on building a personal brand, but some people definitely shine at several various fields at the same time. These kinds of people might achieve success, of course.
I guess, the founders should be the first spokesperson for the product. Moreover, when the founder talks about their own product, it instills a sense of authenticity.
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