Kate Kovbii

Office life things that piss off 😬


Hi guys! So we're about to launch a tool that will simplify one of the annoying-ish office life aspects. But actually would love to hear more about your office struggles. Any of it! What pisses you off in your day-to-day office routine the most? What can be better? Let's spill the tea 😏

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darf weeble
Nothing that's lifeπŸ’ͺ
Jay Song
To me, interruptions seem endless. When working in an office, it's easy to assume that you can interrupt others at any time because they are physically present. But that's what eats up the teams productivity.
Kate Kovbii
@jaythesong agree sooooo much! And it's kinda hard to set up boundaries and still seem friendly to your coworkers πŸ˜…
eis mann
Manual recording of billable hours in salesforce and/or SAP