@szaciu thanks Sergio!
the problem -
we noticed that people spend a lot of time finding relevant content and creators to consume.
the people -
i'm part of this online community of online synthesizers (these are people who consume a lot of content, share the best content they find and create a lot of content). We saw that people share a bunch of resources specifically for creators and i wanted to extend that for makers.
how it works -
so we spend 1000s of $$ and hours proactively on online resources and sharing the hidden gems we find. :D
the product -
super simple webpage for curators to share their discoveries.
super simple recently uploaded discovery option for now... but every curator has a personal webpage that is a linktree of their shared content.
@nawvel yeah ship seems good! also emails from users who are using your mvp. also try to connect with a “whale” hunter to maybe have them hunt your product.
@ezzat love to hear it! we started building our email list just a month ago and have a 1200+ list with aroud 35% open rate and 5% ctr right now.
i was thinking to hunt the product from my personal account as i'm very much a hunter/ curator and want to build up my profile.. you're right tho, there would be more impact if a credible hunter were to hunt it...
@nicole_ogloza i hear you Nicole, thank you for sharing!
We're very much going w/ the "build in public" ethos so we thought to share it.... we're almost forcing ourselves to be held accountable to just launching publicly already (since we're already live for our lead users), getting the launch out of the way and focusing on recruiting our early users manually.
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