Alice Rodgers

INVESTORS, what's the strangest/weirdest place/situation you were pitched? Same question to FOUNDERS

A friend of mine (he is an Angel investor) told me that he was pitched in the toilet once О_о It would be interesting to read your stories (:

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Nik Hazell
A friend of mine - who's CEO of a pretty awesome cycling/3D-printing company - literally sprinted down the road to try and catch Chris Hoy the cyclist, to try and grab him as an Angel Investor 🏃🏻‍♂️
Alice Rodgers
@nik_hazell 😅 😂 🤣 ahahahahahaha 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Thanks for sharing, Nik🤗 was it a successful try?
Nik Hazell
@cn__katie Unfortunately that one wasn't - but he did raise the money he needed a few weeks later, and he's still going strong! Perseverance works 😉😆
Imran Khan
I once pitched 2 VCs without knowing I was pitching. I got on a call with them thinking they are interested in working on the project together or brainstorming. Neither did they clarify why they were on the call until the end when the deed was done.
Alice Rodgers
@strongsoda Thanks for sharing your story! So was it successful?
Imran Khan
@cn__katie No, the call ended up with them suggesting that I need a distribution strategy to acquire millions of users to be successful, but I had the strategy to only acquire first 100 users. This was before the product was built and was just an idea.
Sasha Briu
Actually once I pitched the potential business collaborator when both of us were stopped by police in airport))
Alice Rodgers
@tasha_dziatkovskaya just wondering what was the business 😉😅 ) cool story! I mean I believe we should use all the chances and resources the Universe giving us 🎁. just like Forrest Gump said "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
David Rodgers
Thanks for sharing cool stories!