Deluar Hosain

In sales these words you should never use.


I gathered a few words that not should be used when it comes to sales or closing a ticket. Here are these words: ▪ Cost ▪ Contract ▪ Buy ▪ Pay ▪ Contracted ▪ Warranty ▪ Expensive Instead of these words which words do you use normally? As a sales guy or a business owner?

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Celine Housche
Efficient, free...
You missed the word cheap. Use affordable instead.
Deluar Hosain
Instead, I use 'own it, take advantage, move forward, and get benefited. Do you have any secrete recipes?
Investment, benefit, gain.
Anna Starodub
a would also add to that list "but" or "however", "honestly" and "best"
Ryan Martinez
I appreciate the advice.
Hadid Designer
I appreciate the advice.
Trevor White
I don't like words that discount your service like "cheap" and "save money." Regardless how high quality your product, I think words like that are negative and detract from its premium feel regardless of price point. Rolex's never go on sale.