As an industrial engineer, I rely on top-notch components, and the Turn Rotary Position Sensor delivered exactly what I needed. It's robust, responsive, and has significantly improved the efficiency of our production line.
First - aswesome job getting to 25k! I assume having a lot of followers on LinkedIn is not the end-goal itself, but to use that reach to in the end get qualified leads that convert into actual sales? Or something similar.
Have you been able to evaluate this? Perhaps from the perspective of a funnel - click-through rates leading to downloads, or even better, purchases?
I have a few thousands of followers on LinkedIn, but they're all over the place. I doubt I would get any kind of conversion due to such wide demographic, not to mention half of them are only interested in their own self-promotion.
Would be super-interesting to hear your learnings on how to avoid ending up with just vanity metrics, but actually monetize this.
@olenabomko me too in theory, but I don't end up connecting all the time. I guess you have more of an inbound play and mine's more of an outbound plan. I always hunt.
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
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The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
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The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook