I have a SaaS business, and I want to avoid people signing up for my service using disposable email domains. Are there any automated and reliable ways for me to detect them?
Hi, Anna. I know some people who rely on blacklists to prevent users from signing up using disposable email addresses (DEAs). There are also lists of disposable email domains on GitHub. But these lists (DEA lists and blacklists) can become outdated quickly. As most DEA providers add many new disposable email domains every day, whatever list also has to be manually updated each time new domains are found.
Personally, I automate the process using an API that obtains data from this disposable email domains list https://emailverification.whoisx.... I’ve tried the API on websites where registration is done in PHP, although I also have friends who have integrated it into websites that use Node JS and Express JS.
I also downloaded the database for quality assurance purposes and went through its specifications.