@_aneeshgupta_ Yes very much so. If we get into modes of charging from HNI investments, its a deep rabbit hole. The focus of this discussion is on retail investors who still haven't had access to quality advisory.
Commissions eat up the returns exponentially. Fixed fee always works better. It also aligns the interest of the advisor and there's no chance of product pushing.
A generous fixed performance fee: This is the best way to have everyone's interests aligned. You are not incentivized to maximize transactions but instead to make sure the investment is performing BUT you are not sharing the profits and instead get a generous fee when it does perform (regardless of much money the client is investing).
Another model could be capped commissions on performing investments
Great insight on charging for investment advice! I totally get the point about a fixed fee, especially when considering retail and platforms like Smallcase. It does simplify things and gives a clear picture.
On a slightly different note, have you ever explored opportunities in oil well investing https://www.oilandgasinvestmentf... ? Curious to know your take on that front! Let's keep the financial chats going!
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