hey makers :)
Huh, on May 3rd we launched Dokably app on Product Hunt and finished #2 product of the day and #3 of the week (for now) with 700+ upvotes
Well, what can I say? We are happy and what is more - we survived :) I do not remember when last time I had to work that much as before and during the launch day.
But now I know that anything is possible if you really want it.
Many start the launch prep 3-4 months in advance, have big teams and some resources.
We had me (founder of Dokably) and my marketing manager Ksenia. And no money.
So, what helped us? Or how we helped ourselves :)
Before launch:
1. We spent some time searching for relevant communities on Facebook, LinkedIn, Telegram, Reddit. They were about startups/saas/productivity/product hunt/founders/etc. - all that potentially fit you.
We joined them in advance as it takes some time to be approved.
Somewhere you have to be active for some time before you are allowed to post and insert links.
2. We made a list of influencers and contacted them 1 week before the launch. Better to contact them even earlier.
We asked them to look at our product and if they like it to review/retweet on the launch day.
3. We found a hunter also 1 week in advance. I feel our hunter helped us a lot.
4. We tried to reach as many makers on product hunt as possible and ask ed them to support us on day x. also do that in advance as it takes time for them to see your message and respond.
5. Create Coming soon page on PH and spread everywhere + ask people to get notified.
6. Create a plan for your launch day: what you gonna do every hour. plan seriously in order not to waste time on day X sitting and thinking where to start and whom to write.
7. Prepare all sorts of messages for all your channels: what you gonna write to friends/colleagues/general audience/etc on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. As for every audience you need to have a specific message.
8. Split the tasks between team members who gonna help you in your launch, in order not to do same job and waste time. Time matters :)
๐ Launch day
Do all according your plans!
What I did:
1. Made posts on all my personal social network accounts as I have a lot of people everywhere. And asked people to review our app.
My team-mate did all the posts on Dokably pages everywhere.
2. Then I messaged into all groups and channels I prepared in advance.
3. Then I messaged to all friends
4. Then - to colleagues and other people.
5. Then - to product hunt people.
6. Every hour I answered comments and questions on our launch page.
So every hour of the launch day was planned and used very cleverly.
And ta-da: in the end we are #2 of day.
Share your experience and ask questions if you have any :)