How to format Product Forum posts (how to add bold text, link, lists etc.)
Since Product Forums is launched recently so if you don't remember the HTML tags here are common tags to format your Product Forums posts.
Bold or Important Text
< b >Bold Text< / b >
< strong >Important Text< / strong >
You can emphasize text using < b > or < strong > for bold or important text.
Italic Text
< i >Italic Text< / i >
For italic text you can use < i >, similarly you can use < u > to underline text
To create a hyperlink use the HTML < a > tag.
Now the link's destination can be defined with the help of href attribute within the a tag and the link text can be enclosed within the a tag so you get something like this. Product Hunt
< a href=""> Visit Product Hunt
You can either directly paste the youtube url in the editor and it will show the video preview as well or you can embed the video url as a hyperlink.
Ordered and Unordered Lists
Ordered List
Use < ol > for an ordered list and < li > for list items.
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
minimalist phone: creating folders
minimalist phone: creating folders