How to find product ideas like a serial entrepreneur ?
Hi, I'm @advait_vaidya
I'm a PM by profession but I like to create my own MVP and side projects. I struggled with coming up with ideas as I always tried to look in different markets where I didn't have previous experiences or simply no one to talk to for coming up with problem statements to solve.
In July 2020, I was doing my own research in interior designing industry. I had no experience there also. I started talking with different stakeholders and doing online surveys. And during doing that survey I came up with a survey market untapped.
Key takeaway: During building a product if you look closely, you will get idea for another product.
Thanks and definitely want to hear more from the community about how you come up with a product ideas.
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Say It So - Better Feedback For GDocs
Validated ideas 2.0
Say It So - Better Feedback For GDocs
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