I am interested in Cloud technology. And not because I am product owner of Cloud Storage Jaybod - https://jaybod.com, but this technology is helpful
The released statistics (https://www.statista.com, https://www.bbva.ch,) about personal Cloud Storage in worldwide from 2014 to 2021: 1.8 billion people using personal Cloud Storage.
About 300 million people of all, using Cloud Storage with Collaboration tool (different apps)
we facilitate it, with our Platform - Jaybod
We integrate the best tool to make our work easier, save time and make our workers work efficiently. I will give you one example. We recently changed the locker and now our workers do not need a key with them; they can easily use their mobile device because this technology, https://elocker.com/locker-manag... , gives you this chance. Moreover, we can see how much storage space is used and remove lockers from your workplace if they are not used. These can be seen just in our cloud-based locker management system.
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