With so many things happening at a wild pace how do you manage to keep updated
Follow me on twitter to be informed of latest AI developments :- https://twitter.com/matchaman11
For me the best resources for information are
1. Twitter by following content of AI influencers
2. Discord channels of few popular communities
3. Hackernews and Reddit
I have 3 primary sources:
- Facebook groups: there are a lot of Facebook groups that engage about AI, and offer a lot of insights
- LinkedIn: mainly for industry specific application. As a designer I found a lot of designer sharing bieche resources
- Google: I’m a contributor for one of the biggest business magazines in Italy, and I write about AI applications, so I do a lot of research on a daily basis, and Google is my friend for this
@matcha_anil I’m part of probably 15-20 groups that mainly target LTD (lifetime deals) as a core concepts. Those groups usually are really open to discussion and a lot of people constantly shares insights, new tools, and articles. I don’t want to spam, so I won’t name them here, but just search for “LTD” or “Lifetime deals” on Facebook, and join groups with 3k+ members. You’ll enter the ecosystem.
What I’ve noticed is that groups that targets AI usually talk about it in a consumer way, while groups dedicated to martech and SaaS are way more deep and technicals
@yusupovphygital gotcha. I though you were talking about something calle “1000+ AI tools”. By the way, while searching for this non-existent “1000+ AI tools” I’ve found aicyclopedia.com which seems similar to AI library. Nice addition to my sources!
My opinion: You don't have to try to grab all the information. I think it's enough to be subscribed to a few narrower channels that broadcast the information you need specifically for your work or interests.
I follow various community sourced Awesome Lists on github (ie https://github.com/filipecalegar..., https://github.com/steven2358/aw...), then cherry pick certain technical papers to actually read (from CVPR, AAAI, or just on ARXIV) and test out code if available.
I am also a member of various AI-related professional groups on linkedin (Women in Voice, Circle of Trust etc). Many of them have reading groups with suggested articles and books.
I am interested in open-source models which are accessible to build products - I created a Notion page where I'm accumulating resources "AI for everyday developers".
Let me know if you know about more good resources to put there.
I just follow some cool AI blogs, newsletters, and podcasts. Also I try to keep practicing and learning from cool places like Kaggle or GitHub repos. Gotta stay consistent!
In my opinion, to keep our self updated in this era, we've to follow industry leaders and experts, attend conferences and workshops, read research papers, and keep up with the latest news and trends in the field.
@matcha_anil I'm currently following Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, who has played a key role in transforming the company's culture and driving innovation.
How about you? Are there any industry leaders that you find inspiring or interesting to follow?
I use YouTube and Newsletters mainly, I find someone on YouTube will always post a video within a few hours of something new thats launched. Also join some Discord channels!
AI is everywhere. I primarily stay up-to-date on the topic through Twitter and Product Hunt itself.
It can be overwhelming with the abundance of information and AI products to consume, learn from, and draw inspiration from. Whenever I encounter an AI product or AI integration in an existing product, I attempt to determine its necessity, as that is currently the main thing I am learning from AI.
Great discussion! I am just subscribed to some awesome newsletters, such as Ava News, The Rundown, Inclined AI, Not A Bot, and The Nueron! I also run my own newsletter/blog where I keep with business ideas, Future od AI and new business trends!
You could surely check my blog by the Website Link given in my profile!
I am loving this discussion. My workflow is also similar in terms of consumption of information (Twitter, PH, Discord, Reddit) but I like to be able to go back to things I have liked.
There is just so much happening, that even if we read a lot, we will lose track of interesting information we came across. So I put together a notion document where I log everything interesting I came across for myself and others. Get it here- https://pratiksolocl.gumroad.com... (I list communities, events, and research papers also on this- so a good tool from a builders perspective too)
Most of us do not need as much information. Once a week is just about right to stay updated. That is what I aim to do with https://discoveryunlocked.substa... (we have 800+ subs so far and ship every Friday).
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