Hello, i am co-founder of shoesperk.com. In my opinion if you take a decision to do something then plan it and just do it don't think about success or failure just keeping going and do work consistently. You have to take time to make decision but once you take then never ever look back. Plans may be change time to time but your consistency is key feature.
-If you write goals down and read them every day, experts say that you'll begin to experience "extra motivational behavior," which is your brain creating a new thought pattern "this goal is possible."
If you consistently work toward achieving one goal each day, you will find a new thought pattern beginning to develop: “I am capable of accomplishing my goals”.
As a professional writer, you're likely to create goals for yourself as you pursue your career. To achieve these goals, you need to take action on a daily basis.
Experts note that constantly reviewing your goals reinforces their importance, and thus spurs perseverance.your confidence will increase and you will begin to work toward your long-term goal in an efficient manner, improving upon your short-term goals with each successive day you complete one of them.
Hi, I am a functional consultant and founder of my own software project. Generally in all cases, and this in my view is where people get it wrong. Starting to work on a solution without understanding the problem you want to solve.
I try to maintain the following ratio to the extent to which it is possible:
- 40% Analysis and design - basically taking your time to understand the issue at hand and what could deviate you from the goal in the process of execution
- 60% Executing this design and putting it to the critical test, trying to include as many of my peers as possible in the validation phase.
Your question probably refers to my 40%. The critical thing for me is to differentiate the goal and its nature from the possible solutions. An approach proven in history and practice is that in the design phase of any undertaking to spend the time to break the end goal down to small task with very clear and discrete outcome.
If the goal is big, I break it into small pieces and try to do a little bit of it every day. If it appears that the goal is not accurate, don't hesitate to change it.
Three steps for me:
1) Decide what the goal is, and make that specific and concrete. For example my current goal is 100 paying customers in 2022. My app is new so I kind of picked this out of the air because it's a nice round number.
2) Decide what tasks and process to achieve that goal. In my case I planned to work on my side project 4 x per week, every single week of the year. And I have a Trello board of tasks (new features, bugs, marketing activity etc) that I work through each time I spend time on it.
3) Gamify! I use a streak tracking app to motivate me each week, so I don't lose momentum.
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