Juan David Garavito Espejo

How do you manage your time?

I mean, Some peple, myself include struggle with the focus? Hod do you keep focus and save time on your entrepeneurial endeavor?

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I stay focused by setting priorities, time-blocking, and minimizing distractions like notifications.
louis sankey
Launching soon!
Hi Juan, I'm launching an alternative to the Pomodoro technique for improving focus. It uses the Fibonicci numbers to help you make estimates for your tasks, and then it tracks your progress as you work (like a time tracker). It also helps you optimize your break time. Give it a try if you want, and let me know what you think! www. spiralzen .com
I often spend 10 minutes every morning before work to create a to-do list and use time-blocking to assign specific time slots for tasks.
Juan David Garavito Espejo
@feliciana_liu and what happens if you don't complete all of your tasks you have in mind? How do you know what to prioritize?
ISFPs find managing their time to be the most challenging task."