That's such a great question! I would say start by typing to discuss something or using asynchronous video and if you're REALLY getting nowhere then book a meeting
Depending on how frequent we are having the meetings and if there is an agenda doc let's me know if its worth my time. Also if its a personal meeting I look at what else would I be doing if I was not in this meeting. If I am meeting a friend for lunch I look at is this a friend I really want to spend time with, are they draining my energy, or are they giving positive energy. These are some of the things I think about.
If I'm unclear about the objectives I communicate with the organizer to get a better understanding, and also to help coordinate materials if necessary. Meetings that have no actions = emails. Basic!
I did create a meeting cost calculator here.
That provides the cost, so then you need to determine if the value you gained from the meeting is worth the time.
Sadly most meetings aren't worthwhile. I train people on how to run more effective meetings.
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