Substack Notes may have similar functionality and design as Twitter, this alone does not justify it being considered as the next Twitter. Twitter is primarily a news-focused social network, but potential alternatives do not have to follow the same approach.
Substack Notes, on the other hand, is a social network that resembles Twitter, but in my opinion, should specially address the Substack community.
The only reason to switch one social platform to another is if that platform can reward you with free organic traffic. If you need to pay / wait too long to be seen - that’s useless.
E.g. that’s why I don’t use Medium: you can get notable traffic only if you got featured on the main page.
@zeng I use local journals / news feeds. For example, since I’m a Russian speaking person I use, websites to draw an attention to myself or my product. I don’t know any global platforms which has a ton of viewers but doesn’t have a huge amount of creators. That’s why I think growing your own social networks / personal brand is really important these days.
Yes, but I'm honestly confused as to what value it's trying to bring other than to compete with Twitter or allow publishers to promote their work.
This is coming from somebody who writes the newsletter there, so I'm not sour grapes exactly 😂
Found that some of the stars I follow on Twitter were already using it. 😉 So it makes sense to follow where they go to write. It’s a nice looking platform. How are you enjoying it?
@richard_gao2 There are lots of AI newsletter creators there. I met couple of them that I don't even know exist. You should bring your evoke app there.😉
It is not 99% similar to Twitter. It offers microblogging and similar activities to Twitter, but it is a subscription network, focused on bringing visibility and new subscribers to Substack Newsletter writers.
This interview makes that very clear.
And yes, I've tried it. It's quite well done.
Remy AI
Remy AI