Pablo Fatas

Give me your best book recomendation


Doesn’t have to be a start up book (you know the usual suspects: blitzscaling, the lean start up….) it can be though. Can be anything that you feel enhanced your life in any way shape or form. Can even be fiction. I think there is a lot of real world insight to get from fiction as well.

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Little Prince. OMG I love it so much!
Pablo Fatas
@vycook Love this book. I am french though so I read it in the original. Would be curious to read it in Engish
Cem Özçelik
Outliers - (Malcolm Gladwell) it's very good.
Pablo Fatas
@cem_ozcelik Read it in highscool for a class project I had to do. probably a good idea to go back and read it as an adult now :)
Omer Ersin
The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg Strongly recommended for the ones who didn't read it yet.
Pablo Fatas
@omer_ersin Read this well in uni when i was trying to “revamp” my life a bit and break out of some poor cycles. Amazing book. Definitely the book that changed the way I live the most :)
Cris Barbs
The Power of Habit!
Ghost Kitty
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Sean Song
by Jared Diamond Diamond the other book, I have not finished yet, but looks to be great too. by Ray Dalio
Ivan Vorobyev
Now in my spare time, I have very often started reading books about personal development and how to run or build your own business. The last book I read was Startup Without a Budget by Mike Mickalowitz. I downloaded it here. The complex concepts from the business world are laid out in simple and clear language with a touch of humor, making the book a real boon for aspiring entrepreneurs and more experienced business people alike.