Jorge Falcon

Freelancer's Independent Community

Hello hunters, I'm Jorge Falcon, and I'm a freelancer living in Cuba 🇨🇺. Since the recent economic troubles caused by the pandemic, war, inflation, etcetera; freelancing has become a viable way of surviving for many tech workers. Homes became offices and coworking relationships won more presence in the virtual space. There’s never been a better moment to supplement our income with an independent job offering. Freelancing is here to stay. One way to access this kind of jobs is through freelance platforms like Freelancer or Upwork; but they act as a third party, collecting commissions and withholding payments. These platforms also exclude people like me, who don’t have access to a Visa, MasterCard, or even a PayPal account due to some restrictions in my country. So what could be a solution for freelancers like me? As part of the freelance community at Slyk, we are working on a solution. For those who don’t know, Slyk is an e-commerce platform focused on mobile phones. It allows you to get your virtual store ready in barely minutes. That way you can offer your products and services and get paid the way you choose. Slyk helped me to launch my own catalog of services as a freelancer. Its growth tools helped me to build a small community where my clients shared my services with other potential clients, and they also earn for every product or service purchase. Amazing! I shared this experience with other fellow freelancers and we finally decided to create an independent freelancer community as part of the Slyk environment. We chose the name FREEMANCE, as a mix of the words Freelance and Romance; because as freelancers, we love with what we do. Being a freemancer is a way of contributing to the community and I think it’s important for freelancers all over the world to embrace this concept. Very soon, I'll be offering templates in Slyk, with which all freelancers can join our community and become freemancers in a very easy way. If you like to know more, please contact me, I’ll be thrilled to answer your questions. Please help spread the Freemance Revolution to empower independent freelancers all over the world. Let’s all level up together!!

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Hello Jorge, I'm a freemancer, and I'm so thankful for your platform, I've subscribed to your upcoming webpage and tuned to the launch. Let's all level up together!!