Jamie Sprowl

[ChangeLog] April 20, 2023 release notes: extended leaderboard randomization


Extended leaderboard randomization

Last month we shared a few ways we’re combating spam and leveling the playing field for makers on Product Hunt.

As part of that effort, randomizing the leaderboard for the first two hours of the day is something we’ve been testing. This two-hour period gives all products a chance to climb the ranks before votes start to lock in the leaderboard.

It’s been a month since we enabled the test and the results are exciting. The median number of votes per product in the first two hours has doubled. Yes, doubled. This has created a level playing field for all makers at the beginning of the day. We’re planning to expand the randomization period to four hours (from 12AM - 4AM PST), starting 4/21, to see what further improvements we can make on the ranking system.

We have a few words to share

If you’re new here (or just want a refresher) check out our new Maker Learning Series. The playlist includes 9 videos recorded by the Product Hunt team to walk you through how to get started and our best tips for makers in ~30 minutes.

Your profile got some new bling!

We’re celebrating your latest achievements - you should too. The most exciting way to view your badges and keep up with your progress? Our mobile app. Don’t forget the to add the Product Hunt streak widget to your home screen so you start racking up your gone streaking badges of honor.

Topic evolution

There are some exciting changes happening to the topic pages. The current design changes are the first of many, as we’re restructuring the topic taxonomy and figuring out how to surface the best products based on community input.

Everyone has a type

New questions on the launch workflow are available to answer so we can understand a bit more about your story. As we collect more of this information, we aim to feature new types of launches - for example, launches from solo makers.

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I like how the PH team took an iterative approach to implement the randomization period. And the results seem great! Hope the four hours period will increase the overall engagement even more.
Caleb Wursten
Thank you for sticking up for indie hackers!
Loving the updates @jamie_sprowl - particularly interested in how the "solo maker" option will affect the algorithm and whether a "little help" will be given to those going solo.....
Jamie Sprowl
@maxwellcdavis No direct answer for you on this one at the moment, but the idea is that we can find creative ways to share out special launch types to give them extra love! Feel free to share any ideas that may resonate. :)
Michael Silber
@jamie_sprowl @maxwellcdavis As Jamie mentioned, we're not quite ready to share this yet, but we do plan to expose this information to users soon. We'll spend a little more time collecting this data from makers, then we release some ways to interact with it.
flo merian
really appreciate the randomization so far. it ignites great discoveries. keep up your great work!
Vladimir Kosenko
Interesting catch with solo maker, curious about he impact