Kate Ramakaieva

Blue Monday - the most depressive day of the year!

How do you deal with it? 😫

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Andrew Turner
Blue Monday can be challenging. I get anxious, especially on that day, but smoking CBD helps me a lot. I use Nexus Smoke CBD vapes, and they make a big difference. The anxiety doesn't completely go away, but it's much easier to handle. If you're feeling down or stressed, trying CBD might help you, too. It's worth a shot to see if it can improve your day.
Uladzislau Rymasheuski
Actually after starting a startup - I don't feel depressed anymore. Overwhelmed - yes, overloaded - yes. But at least it's still a great fun! :)
Siddesh Raut
@rimash This is making me nervous but in a good way. We are gearing up to launch our platform and cannot wait to see what comes next.
This year is hitting me hard. I guess because of many changes in my life. But life is cyclical... soon everything will be better!
Igor Lysenko
I have no problems with this; on Monday I’m even 10% more efficient.
Kate Ramakaieva
@ixord what a coincidence with 10% πŸ˜… I guess it’s becoming a trend πŸ™ˆ
Igor Lysenko
@kate_ramakaieva @reconcatlord What are you talking about?
@kate_ramakaieva @ixord Look down the at the posts, three different people with same exact sentence, exact same grammar. This has been happening on tons of posts.
surely I'm 10% less effective on Mondays))
Elena Tsemirava
Why is it blue? In our area, it's white due to the snow.
Michael Gammon
Thanks Kate, I did wonder, so it's not just me!