Serdar Palaoglu

At what age did you start to build your own side project ?


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Ayush Sharma
I was 21
Serdar Palaoglu
@ayush_sharma1409 what did you build ? o.O
Helen Fiala
Just starting out now, with the help of an amazing team tho, age 28. You goo everyone!
Estelle Ducommun
@helen_fiala Awesome! what do you work on?
Helen Fiala
@estelle_ducommun It's called fruits (as fruitful work; harvest the fruits of your hard work) : It's a digital content & link selling platform for all the digital nomads, content creators, freelancers, sidepreneurs out there! It's as if WeTransfer & PayPal had a child ;) Upload your content for free, put a price tag on it, receive a link that you can share anywhere (forever valid) and we even do the automated billing & VAT for everyone. And all of that doesn't even take 2 minutes. You can check it out if you want: Thank you so much for asking, all the best for you :-)! πŸ’ž
Serdar Palaoglu
@estelle_ducommun @helen_fiala is similar to this platform or is there a difference ? πŸ€”
Helen Fiala
@serdarplg There is a huge difference πŸ™Œ Those two simply share the same team - but what we've learned from fanbase is that creators really need a tool to sell their digital products, content, links, calls etc. as simply and quickly as possible - without their buyer having to sign up anywhere! So that's how we've created fruits 😎 Happy to answer more questions :-) have a great day!
Mario Stopfer
Started when I was 34, finished last month at 38. 😁
Serdar Palaoglu
@mario_stopfer wow! what kind of project was that? A spaceship company side project ? πŸ˜‚
Mario Stopfer
@serdarplg Honestly, it sure felt like I was making one! :) I actually made a social network and released it just this week here on Product Hunt. Feel free to take a look.
Estelle Ducommun
At 25 years old! It had been 2.5 years that I was working in a company, and I was feeling bored. Also when looking at the job market, I felt nothing was exciting. This is why I started to build my project! To do something that would make me proud, but also thrilled to work!
Serdar Palaoglu
@estelle_ducommun @qudsia_ali I would also be interested to hear what you worked on ^^
Estelle Ducommun
@qudsia_ali @serdarplg Of course! Thank you :) I started creating an influencer marketing agency for brands, to help them promote their services and products on social media. At this time (2019), there was still a lack of education regarding this marketing channel, and medium/small brands were very dubitative about it. In the mean time, I was still working on SEO consulting and strategies thanks to word of mouth (this was my previous job), and luckily, because influencer marketing was still hard for companies to adopt! Little by little, I gathered all those skills into an agency. Indeed, with time and experience, I saw it wasn't only influencer marketing or SEO, or design that would help a business grow... but all those strategies combined together, in a continuous workflow. That's why I decided to work exclusively with in-house, all-included services packs, to offer my clients growth-driven services, that can not only cover their main priorities but also work on the little and bigger things that set a business apart.
Aditya Pawar
I guess I am the youngest in the house I started to build my first startup at 13. TBH it's hard managing a startup with life and studies. Would mean a lot if you checked it out -
Eelco Wiersma
I think it was when I was 15 (20 years ago, hard to believe πŸ˜‚), created a website that shared console games, .rom files for emulators.
Serdar Palaoglu
@appulse cool ! that sounds really nerdy. i think with 15 you were the one who always reminded the teacher to controll the homework πŸ˜‚πŸ€“
Eelco Wiersma
@serdarplg Haha I was a very lazy student, too busy with gaming and writing code and getting drunk in the weekend. πŸ˜‚
Ferenc Forgacs
I think I was 20. But I didn't call it a side project that time, it was just a simple website with funny videos and images. I was working on it next to university, so I'm calling it a side project today πŸ˜„ And as it happens with most of the side projects I never finished and published it 😁
Serdar Palaoglu
@feriforgacs the best things you can do besides university are side projects! Even you you have not finished it, the work you have invested on it matters actually a lot! maybe you finish your future side projects 😁
Janak Patel
I started around the age of 27 or 28. I wanted to build QR code-based Punch In/ Punch Out machine for small store fronts.
Without realizing they were projects, I had made blogs back when I first learned the computer, 2001 or so, but I took a long time off and re-started my creative online discovery journey at age 52, now 56. All my projects will always be in transition or creatively evolving until I expire. I'm planning on at least another 60 years of online Fun! [side note] age is just a number, so I just wake up and enjoy the pursuits of the day/experience.
Dylan Merideth
Was 26! All about trying to take control of my future, instead of fully relying on another company's evaluation of my worth through the lens of a multi-tiered organization
Kyler Phillips
I’ve always wanted to create and design things from a young age, I think my first serious side-project was maybe around 16 or 17 when I created a YouTube channel and got a partnership which was pretty rare at the time. Good memories.
Serdar Palaoglu
@kylerjphillips Impressive, I think young people should have more of these characteristics (creativity, designing, building). Unfortunately, schools don't encourage ppl to be creative and build things.
Samson Godstime Adarighofua
Building side project was never easy but I started very young working on my projects
Marina ĐuriΔ‡
At 16, a physiotherapy side hustle with me, my expertise, and a table. Finished at 17 when I pursued some research projects and focused on school.
Tim Heijn
As soon as I could open a company (18)
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Aleks Dahlberg
I remember slinging copied tapes (from my dual cassette recorder ) of all the music my friends parents wouldn't let them listen to when I was 8 in exchange for lunch money!
Many of our employees started their first side projects during their studies.
Harshit Chawla
Started at 20
Adrian Topka
About 15/16. Antivirus for my school :D and then mobile games & iOS apps.
Russ Kulas
I start my own project in 2021 in age on 29 and i am working on it. its related to Parcel tracking the website name is Tracks Courier, Ninja van malaysia tracking it is my first project hope going good.