Hey you legends, do you have a co-founders or you are a solo Jedi?
If you are solo founder, share how you deal with all tasks in the process of developing, marketing and launching your product.
In my case, I'm not a lone ranger. I've got two co-founders, both real Jedi Masters in their respective fields. Without them, each product iteration would take years, not months.
it depends, there are some products I'm launching alone and some others I'm partnering up with people.
One thing is sure, despite what we can say, being alone is not a guaranteed speed advantage, doubts are slowing me down a lot and when I have a second/third opinion, its easier to move forward.
On the products I work on alone, I always get help from friends/family and when something require a laser focused attention, I subcontract. One key when subcontracting though is to not expect people to care as much as I do of the success but to instead understand what should be achieved and make sure people deliver specific tasks that should take me from point A to B.
What about you ?
@julien_fayad Being solo founder is the most difficult part of the process, and it's always good to have second opinion when we have doubts. I've been on a both sides, previously working with cofounders and now I am on my own. Both sides have good and bad.
@vladimir_zivkovic indeed, each situation is unique.
On your solo venture now how do you deal with all tasks in the process of developing, marketing and launching your product ?
Not a solo founder. Having someone to back you up in this journey is amazing. I get that as a solo founder you set the vision with nothing holding you back. But execution is also much harder no? :/
I am one CEO, but I have a team with me. And I can't say that I'm alone. We all work for the product. And I understand how valuable it is to have a team to handle large types of tasks together.
فرصت مطالعاتی دانشجویان دکتری متاهل
برای دانشجوی زن متاهلی هم که می خواهد با همسر خود از کشور خارج شود، لازم از صفحات اول و دوم شناسنامه و از کارت ملی و ویزای هر دو نفر تصویر به عمل آمده و مراجع مربوطه تحویل داده شود.
چسب زخم بستر از نظر رنگ به چند دسته تقسیم میشود ؟
چسب زخم بستر در این چهار رنگ وجود دارد که هر کدام از این رنگ ها نشان دهنده نوع زخم میباشد.
رنگ مشکی نشان دهنده بدترین نوع زخم است و مدت زیادی طول میکشد که زخم خوب شود .مدت زمان درگیری برای ترمیم بافت 1تا 3 ماه است و این نوع زخم بد رنگ و بد بو است .محل مورد نظر درد خاصی ندارد زیرا بافت ها کاملا از بین رفته است.
رنگ زرد رنگ بافت اسلاف نامیده میشود .این نوع زخم بقایای زخم مورد نظر میباشد و بوی بدی دارد و باید تا زمانی که زخم خوب میشود از چسب زخم استفاده شود .
رنگ قرمز به معنای بهبودی زخم است و رفته رفته به صورت کامل زخم تغییر رنگ می دهد. بافت قرمز رنگ را گرانولیشن تیشو نامیده می شود.
رنگ صورتی نیز به معنای زخم بهبود یافته می باشد و احتیاجی به پانسمان و دخالت نیست. البته باید دقت فراوان شود تا محل مورد نظر دوباره زخم نشود.
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