Lots of developers and a fair share of marketers could be qualified as night owls who don't want to be bothered till 11 am.
Some other professionals are more efficient early in the morning.
What about you? Let's get a snapshop of PH community!
Morning for sure, at least in terms of work, I like to get a large amount of work done in the early hours, can then be a little more relaxed in the afternoon and reserve the night for netflix and some good food!
@aaronoleary I'm the same way. Mornings are definitely more productive to me it seems like.
By the way, I'm looking for feedback on AnyGo, a tool used to easily compare the cost of driving and flying between U.S. cities. You can find it on my profile page. Thanks Aaron!
Hi @daniel_engels
I am a night person. Although, I do my work in the morning and at night I become super energetic and focused towards my work.
What about you? Are you a morning person or a night person?
I've always found myself less distracted/more productive at night BUT, after learning the incredible health detriments to fighting against a normal daily circadian rhythm (sunrise to sunset), I'm almost always a day person now.
@daniel_engels yes sir. I highly recommend checking out The Huberman Lab podcast to learn more. It's a frequent discussion point but you can get a really good education on the subject by listening to the light exposure, and sleep episodes
Light was a little more recent, and the show started with 2 or 3 episodes dedicated to sleep.
@mrgregzen I think they can earn money through different sources like Youtube and Dailymotion with the best content so the viewer can watch the entire video.
@amelia_charlie this is kind of weird. are you responding to my profile title instead of my question?
if so, you clearly are not seeing the difference between Maven and those other guys.
You most assuredly cannot create your own pricing for gated content with either.
Really not sure why you are saying this
@daniel_engels I sold my SAAS and one project together. Right now I have a lot of time, I still do work 9 - 5.
Time to build another one...
My side projects become paid projects, I make time for it. If there's a will there's a way.
I was a night owl... tried to become a morning person but turns out not productive.
But now I'm a fully morning person and personally I find it more productive
@daniel_engels I heard from many people waking up early is more healthy and more productive.
I started slowly by moving my sleep time earlier, at first it was hard but after like 1-2 weeks it became my habit and I don't need alarm to wake me up in the morning
I was a morning person till I joined route. Since my two co-founders are night owls, eventually I wasn't left with any choice. So I am a Night owl too :)
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