Any crypto investors here? Investors, not bros 😂
I have been in the blockchain/crypto industry for 5 years now. Both as an investor and as a developer. I have launched many products on ETH, Polygon & Cardano network.
This thread though is more about the investor side of things. How are you folks dealing with the volatility of this particular cycle? The uncertainty from the politics and regulations that are coming from US side? Feels like the business market cycle will never play out right?
Trust me it will, cause in a few months a lot of currency debasement needs to occur.
Maybe we should start a weekly thread talking about crypto from a macro economic perspective. Also, we could talk about how you feel in this madness that they call the markets :P
Today is a crazy day in crypto. AGAIN.
Let me know your thoughts below, also would love to connect with more web3 people here on PH.
minimalist phone: creating folders
I am just a hodler :D does it count?
@busmark_w_nika for some reason never notified for your comment. Sorry ! ofc, everything and everyone counts cause we all have different perspectives. But apart from HODLing, do u ever use crypto?
minimalist phone: creating folders
@cryptosymposium I only transfer, but think that paid only for digital products like NFTs.
Product Hunt
My first startup was a crypto portfolio tracker back in 2017, so I've seen a few cycles, but I've been a little out of touch the last few years. Given how much infrastructure progress has happened (people tend to build valuable infrastructure during the down cycles), I'm hopeful that there will be a wave of consumer applications breaking through sometime soon, but I'm not sure how soon that is.
Maybe a question for you is, if you disregard the developer traction and the investor traction, where do you see the actual user traction?
@rajiv_ayyangar nice, I was not there in 2017, came early 2020 into the space. Well, that is a very good question. I will answer it, from a developer's perspective, but from real users potential use case. I have been building crypto-native apps only the last 4-5 years, and I realize the users...the actual users...real normal folk, are not using anything. And why should they? The tech is still focus on crypto native people, and use jargon that noone outside the space understands, or care to understand. For me the main use cases are around ownership, and proving stuff (aka ZK Proofs). These two can change the world if built properly on blockhain rails. However, the wallet management/setup is still a point of friction. Only Solana is doing good job with bringing normal folk in, but Solana's tech is more centralized than Bank Of America :P For stuff like micropayments, or escrow and stuff, I dont see it. Dollar/Euro/Fiat is shit, but i never had a problem paying for apples in the supermarket.