Kellie O Hara

6 week cohort beginning soon!


"How to build a disruptive AI startup" I will be one of the advisors in this upcoming cohort. It's a 6-week virtual intensive designed to meet startup founders where they are and set them on a path to scale. Registration link Space is limited and the deadline is quickly approaching. Got questions? LinkedIN inbox is open

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Eric Iverson
Intrigued by building a game-changing AI startup? This 6-week virtual program equips founders to scale their ideas. marykayintouch com
Shadman Nazim
@thestartupwhisperer ✴️ This sounds like an incredible opportunity! ⚠️ How can prospective participants best prepare to make the most of this cohort? I am excited to share it with my community to encourage them for joining the cohort. Please share more about your insights and advice.
Shreya Ranpariya
Great opportunity. I look forward to some of your take away on strategy.
Kellie O Hara
@shreya_ranpariya thanks! Are you taking part in the cohort?