Business Marketing with Nika

5 tips for viral content (IG) + surprise ✨

We continue: 1. Secret hack that few people know about X. 2. X habits that got me from (this) to (that). 3. Create a case study about a client's win. 4. If you want to do this in 2023, check this post. 5. Biggest mistakes people can make in 2023. Oh... and I would like to incorporate ideas you share with us in the comments. These are by Sebastian Janus - derStartupCFO 6. Compare the pros and cons of different marketing strategies. 7. What are the latest trends in your field? 8. How to create a successful online presence. 9. Share the biggest lessons you’ve learned in the past year. 10. How to use data to make better decisions. And these are from David Babins Add a Review module to your quality product creations, Software or whatever, Aim for serious, quality reviews, Lots of them as per the following. Success story

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Matthew Stoltz
It's astounding to think that there is still a school of thought around conjuring 'viral' content. This is not terrible advice, but clever headlines aren't enough in 2023. I'd argue that they're not even table stakes, and can be detrimental, depending on your audience. The most revenue I've earned was through a blend of authenticity, transparency, customer feedback, putting learning to practice, giving them free value, and patience. Love the sentiment - but I've had more success (in terms of $millions of revenue earned) through eliminating waste than any other marketing tactic.
For creating viral content, make sure that your content piece is engaging. The more conversation your piece drives, the more viral it will become. For this, try to make interactive content that facilitates communication and provides a personalized experience. A content piece is viral when it becomes sharable. Producing interactive content increases the shareability quotient of your content piece. For example- Interactive quiz content like " Which color personality are you" or "which human emotion do you represent", intrigues your audience, is visually appealing, and also gives interesting results. It will drive others to try also. You can use Outgrow's Quiz Maker to start creating
Anoir Houmou
Great ideas
Gaurav Parvadiya
These are so nice ideas