
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 23 September)


Hi Makers! If you are: (1) launching soon or recently launched (2) looking for beta users (3) asking for feedback on a landing page First, start by helping out another maker (check out their launch, give a review or share a comment on their post), then share your product link here and BE SPECIFIC about who your target audience is and how we can help.

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Hey everyone. Currently, I'm building Bardo, a Tool for Software- and Product-Teams. Bardo's goal is to remove uncertainty while building products with the help of a community and your team's knowledge + history. You can check out the landing page here: https://bardoapp.com/ And the community: https://bardoapp.com/community So if you are a CTO, PM, Dev, Designer and work in a product team that uses Jira or Clubhouse. I'm currently looking for beta users.
Dustin W. Stout
@keeev I love the branding. The site is well laid out, and the messaging is clear. When I shop for software though, I need screenshots. If the interface sucks, I don't care how feature-rich it is--UI/UX is a deal maker/breaker. So I would love to see some actual screenshots of the features you're outlining. The product itself sounds great. The fact that it seems versatile is a big selling point since a lot of the productivity tools out there are only now realizing they need to accomodate different modes of working (list vs. kanban vs scrum vs gant).
@dustinwstout Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't sure about the messaging. Good to hear! I'll definitely replace the illustrations with screenshots it's on my list since the relaunch.
@dustinwstout just to follow up: I added some parts of the UI that show how the features will work: https://bardoapp.com/ :)
Cihan Geyik
Hey guys, We launched Learnember on Product Hunt ( https://www.producthunt.com/post... ) and Google Play Store. ( https://play.google.com/store/ap... ) We would love to see your feedback. You can take notes everything you learn, set up hourly, daily, weekly reminders and get notifications for never forget. Within one hour, people will have forgotten an average of 50% of the information. Within 24 hours, they have forgotten an average of 70% of new information, and within a week, forgetting claims an average of 90% of it.
@cihan_geyik As a person who is constantly writing stuff down on her phone's notes, I think this is awesome. Someone had already commented on how this would be awesome as a webapp too. I think it's great!
Amy Giddon
@cihan_geyik This would be a very useful tool for me that I would like to use as a webapp. Most of my learning is done when I'm on my laptop so it would be way more seamless for me if I could take notes where I'm learning. Also - I recommend changing your brand name. I say this knowing it is a huge deal, but the name is awkward to both read and say.
Cihan Geyik
@amy_giddon1 Thank you. We have a plan for web app. But our first goal is testing with mobile users. We got a first feedback for changing brand name. Thanks
Dustin W. Stout
@cihan_geyik seems like a great idea! Simple, but specific in the problem it's solving. As an Apple user who switches feverishly between MacBook, iPad, and iPhone, any app I use must be available across all platforms before I decide to use it. That's the only real challenge I see from a product standpoint--having not used it.
Yvo Schaap
We launched an English version of our original Dutch product Mailbook. It allows people to collect addresses from friends and family to sent them mail by post. But, our english users gather on average 80% (!) less addresses in their address book. Somehow we can't activate them properly. We don't get any traction beyond our Dutch user base. What are we doing wrong for our English speaking audience? Landing: https://mailbook.nl/en Lanch: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Hanna Barzakouskaya
@yvoschaap As an English speaking representative from the Netherlands, I think it's a great idea! As for me I used to Facebook events and sent invites thought it.
Tara Jane Seton
@yvoschaap Hi Yvo, congratulations on your launch. I'm a Brit and I regularly send my relatives and friends birthday cards and presents in the post. I don't really store addresses anywhere, they're scattered across Whatsapp messages, old emails and the saved addresses section of my Amazon account. So I thought I'd check out your site, please take the below as opinions and constructive points :) Initial cosmetic things that made me feel a little less relaxed/inclined to try: 1. I find Mailbook as a brand name quite confusing. We tend to call it 'Address Book', and we post the items. We rarely use the word 'Mail' other than for email. not sure if that would affect uptake. 2. I noticed a typo under "Create your own Mailbook." address needs 2 's’. Apart from that, I think you could push the use case a bit more. I get that this would be useful for when a customer is arranging a wedding. And whilst I can see that Mailbook might be time-saving, I don't see a real use for me because it isn't outlined on the site. Secondly data protection. Whilst I acknowledge that where my current addresses are saved aren't on the safest platforms (Whatsapp, Gmail, Amazon), sending a link to Mailbook to my 50 year old Aunt might freak her out, and I myself am a little unsure of how safe it would be to store all this data. I think with the numerous data scandals in this country and the Facebook data scandal being so big that Cambridge Analytica is a household name...we're a little apprehensive to try new apps that have a big focus on data. Hope that helps and do get in touch if you'd like me to clarify or go further - I'm generally full of opinions.
Yvo Schaap
@tara_ Thanks for the feedback. Very helpful. * I quickly fixed all "addres" typo's. * I get how a clear use-case would be best to focus on. Is there an event - beyond weddings - where you would sent out (traditional) mail by post? In The Netherlands we do that when a new child is born. I understand that case is not common outside of our country. But maybe I'm missing an obvious one. * Yes data protection is a good point. What we see is in NL, if someone you know uses a service, you trust it as well. So maybe we need more people getting to know Mailbook, before it would have some sort of implied trust in its protections. * Changing the 'brand' Mailbook, might be a bit hard now :)
Navin Pareek
@yvoschaap I think it is a great product. Particularly for a country like India where weddings can have massive guest lists. I think I had 500+ in my wedding. My sister's wedding have ~1500 guests :) But I do think your proposition needs a bit more flushing out. Maybe a brief video explaining the concept. Also, why is it better than, say, a google form. Or maybe you are integrated with Google Places API? You also say that your Dutch version has a business version. Why not make it available in English as well?
Adam Upchurch
Hey! I just launched Read Leo. Leo is a reading app to help people learn a new language while reading their favorite stories. I'm looking for Beta testers and feedback! https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Serge Charles
@adam_upchurch wow. A great idea. How long did it take you to get the beta out?
Amy Giddon
@adam_upchurch I like the idea and your website (haven't looked at the app yet). Why not have the user community read aloud to each other so that they also hear the pronunciation? Would be really fun to be paired with someone reading the same book in another language!
Adam Upchurch
@greenapptech_llc It took my about 2 months amidst learning React Native. I think an experienced react native developer could do it in a week
Adam Upchurch
@amy_giddon1 I’ve actually spoken with someone about pairing people for video chat to learn - could be a good medium for reading to each other!
Jeff Shek
Hello, I've created a free bot that'll help write your copywriting and mission statements. I've JUST launched and definitely making a whole slew of mistakes in this entire process lol. I've been slowly showing it to Reddit the last week to make sure it could handle multiple users and fix bugs. I feel good enough to show a larger audience (cross-fingers) this week. https://writeup.ai/companies - It'll work to write your mission statement and product description. https://www.producthunt.com/post... THANKS!
Jon Ching
@jeff_shek Awesome product :) I just shared mine a minute ago and saw yours right above me haha. We were in the YC SUS group meeting last week.
Jeff Shek
@jon_ching Sometimes the world feels really big, and yet somehow these moments ground me again. Awesome seeing you again!
Navin Pareek
@jeff_shek This is awesome. I just wrote a few lines on a topic in a couple of minutes!! Then I changed the tone while still writing about the same topic. And the prompts were different and relevant. I like this!
Plankarma : Launching soon 🔊 ------------------------ Your team ⌛ time zone, 🔵 availability and ✅ daily to-do in one minimal screen. Upcoming Page 🔗 - https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Product link 🔗 - https://www.plankarma.com/ Target audience 👦👧😺 - Remote Team 🗺️ How we can help 🤗 - Join us on upcoming page so we can invite you for early alpha launch.
Joan Cardona
@mhrnik This is great! I find it hard to know everyone's time zone. Plus I use Todoist for my to-do list, it would be great to have everything in one place.
@nyeeu Agree. I am also making it as minimal as possible. Do join us on upcoming page. So as I will start using it with my team, I can invite you to try it.
Nani Morgan
Hey guys, would love to know, what you think about my idea. I am sharing motivational advice every monday in a newsletter (no spam). I asked 100 entrepreneurs for 1 advice and will share those tips once a week. What do you think about that? https://www.producthunt.com/post...
@ranimorgan how will you ensure the quality of advice feels meaningful and not too abstract or generic? Or avoid sharing ones which are really overstated?
Mak Mo
Hi guys, I am trying to help busy people with food prep. let me know what you think. Thx https://tassleem.com/
Hanna Barzakouskaya
@youssif_maxzoom I like the idea and it seems like a worthy solution. But signing up just after the first step seems to scare off. As a user, I want to understand how it works at first. Getting emails from the companies you're not interested in is an irritating thing and moreover, sometimes it becomes tricky to unsubscribe. So there's a high probability that your site will be closed and forgotten after a filling form appeared. I hope that my feedback was useful to you.
Louis Thibault
Hi everyone! We are very close to launching our first product so any feedback (particularly on the landing page) would be amazing. Bespoke is a customer outreach tool that embeds a live chat in any link you share. It attaches a live chat to ordinary URLs, which can be emailed, tweeted, or shared. Marketers use Bespoke to converse with their audience in real-time, and Business Developers use bespoke to warm-up leads. You can find our landing page here: https://bespoke.app
Nikolay Siabrenko
Hello guys👋 I am working on a new version of Upvote Bell Upvote Bell - it's dashboard for your Product Hunt projects where you can see statistics and realtime notifications. You can try it for free here - https://upvote-bell.com
Ray Li
@nikolay_siabrenko Honestly, there's no way I'm connecting my bank account to your app. Does not inspire enough trust. Would be more trustworthy if it was cleaner.
Navin Pareek
@nikolay_siabrenko Looks useful. Might just use it one day when I launch :)
Nana Adjei Manu
Hi hunters! Today, I'm launching the very first of Selll on Product Hunt. I want to make it very easy to have confidence in the stuff that we buy online. I have always wondered why we are shopping online and getting the wrong items shipped to us. This has inspired me to build Selll, a simple directory for videos about products. I've worked on this with over the weekend with lots of love. I made everything on this site by myself so I'm super nervous, launching is so scary 🤯. Didn't wanna launch but hell, here you go. It's still work in progress so your feedback is welcome. https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Hanna Barzakouskaya
@nanaadjeimanu I realize how difficult to build a product especially if you're doing it by yourself. Your product is focused on beautiful videos and I strongly believe that the first thing that it should have is a beautiful video. But there's no video on your product page in producthunt. And the video on your site doesn't work (it doesn't play).
Nana Adjei Manu
@anna_panchenko Hey Anna, Thanks for your feedback, i have checked and fixed the bug on the homepage about the video not working. And yeah, this project is still very much WIP so updates are shipping by the minute and so by the close of day things would've changed so much about the overall outlook of the project.
Mark Murphy
Hi Fellow Makers! I launched TechReviewHQ last week: https://www.producthunt.com/post... TechReviewHQ.com is website that aggregates thousands of tech reviews from across the internet into one place, whether from TechCrunch, The Verge, or MKBHD. In addition we have a pretty great Twitter feed and email newsletter to get reviews sent directly to you. My target audience is tech product enthusiasts who looking to stay up-to-date on the latest and greatest in tech or looking to research tech products prior to purchasing. I'd love to get feedback on the site as whole. Do you find it easy to use and useful? Do you have any recommendations? How can I get it in front of more users? Let me know your thoughts!
Borja Soler
I am launching 3 smoke tests at the same time 🔊 ------------------------ Hello everybody 👋, I have 3 ideas to test and I have decided to launch one of them, after seeing market willingness to use it and our unique value proposition. The ideas are: 1. The first is a teamwork software ⌛ (It would be like an Asana + Zoom with steroids) https://www.taugma.com/ 2. The second is one that will create a personalized diet and exercise routine for each one, adapting to your needs and changes 🔵 https://6pack.app/ 3. The last one would be a web and app that would create us learning plans with personalized content to us (what we want to study and how!) We could learn every day for the rest of our lives, what we want in each moment ✅ https://www.mailern.com/ How we can help 🤗 - if you think one of them would be interesting help us joining us and we will launch it. Thank you so much for the support
Michalis Panayiotou
Hi guys 😃 We just launched our product ( Visavis ) on Product Hunt, and we would appreciate your comments/feedback. It's a dating app that replaces the traditional message-centric model, with a date setup service. Our goal is to make dating as smooth and effortless as getting an Uber or booking an Airbnb. You can find more details here Visavis Regarding the target audience, we are focusing on single young professionals at the moment. Thank you 😊
Hanna Barzakouskaya
@mpanayio It's a funny idea! But don't you think that it will make datings are more unserious? Much easier not to join, not to come, troll someone, etc.
Michalis Panayiotou
Thank you for your comment @anna_panchenko 😊 I completely agree with you that flaking/trolling are issues that should be addressed to ensure that people using the app have an optimum experience both online and offline. We started with a very different model that addressed that head-on. Here’s how it used to work: When a date was confirmed, both users would be charged with a deposit fee, depending on the type of date (coffee £5, drinks £7.50, food £10). This collective deposit amount would then be deducted from the bill at the venue at the specified date and time. This financial commitment was a measure taken to minimise the likelihood of someone getting stood up on a real-life date. In the unlikely scenario of you getting stood up, you could use the deposit already paid by the no-show party to drown your sorrows at the venue 🤣 The main issue that we faced with this approach was that people were reluctant to add their payment card details to a brand new app that they’ve just downloaded. We A/B tested it with/without the deposit and the version without the deposit was a lot more effective, so we went with that (for now). Additionally, by removing the deposit, we have one less side on our platform to manage (venues), so we can be laser-focused on the user-side to ensure that we are building something people love. When we get there, we’ll revisit the old (and perhaps other) business models to find the one that’s right for our app to prevent trolls and no-shows 😃 Hope that this answers your question, Michalis
Hanna Barzakouskaya
@mpanayio Thanks for the answer. Is there any way how to vote or marked such a person? It's a crazy thought and I don't like to make a real an idea of Nosedive in Black Mirror but just curious to know did you think about something like this or not?
Michalis Panayiotou
@anna_panchenko Haha loved the Nosedive episode in Black Mirror 👌 The idea of reviewing people and treating them like products doesn't sit well with us though. We are thinking of creating a feature that will prompt people to rate their offline dating experience. Ratings will not be visible anywhere in the app, they will only be for internal use. If they provide a low rating, we would then ask follow up questions to better understand what went wrong (the other person didn't show up etc). Another thing that we are thinking of experimenting with is a geo-fence around the selected venue, to collect data about whether one or both people attended the specified place at the specified time. If we have that data in place it'll be much easier to identify and remove bad actors.
Pavel Ripyuk
Hi, guys! 👋🏻 Do you know how many food waste you produce?! 😱 I've found really cool product for solving food waste problem!💡 Look at Fridge Eye! This product turns your fridge into a smart fridge, helps you stay green and reduce food waste 😎🌍🌿 https://www.producthunt.com/post... Crowdfunding here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projec... Product website here: http://fridgeeye.com
Ahmed El-Kady
@pavel_ripyuk It seems promising, I guess your biggest challenge would be finding the right segment facing this problem. Or maybe you could sell it in B2B, I mean to manufacturer
Raj Gandhi
Hi everyone, I launched a side project and wanted some feedback on it. Right now, it's barebones and I'm using this project to learn to program and get a sense on how to solve the problem of finding pickup communities in my own surrounding area, as well as, other areas I might be visiting. Here's the site - https://www.playall.io/ If you have time I'd love some feedback! Thanks in advance :)
Maximilian Müller
@r_gandhi620 I like how pragmatically you implement the idea and use external tools like Slack and Doodle instead of programming everything directly. Keep up the good work!
Mohamed Salah
Hey guys, I'm planning to launch Vote Learn this week https://www.votelearn.com The idea is to help learners with 3 things: 1- find Blogs, newsletters and Experts on Social media to follow. 2- find Tutorials, Courses and Books. 3- find Communities (forums, groups, chat, etc) to join. I really need feedback! Thanks.
Wei Chun
Built a design agency: Designmoh (https://designmoh.com/) 🎨 Get all your marketing and brand identity done with us! 🖌️ Logo, Poster, Flyer, Social Media Graphics, Podcast Cover and many more! 💲 50% off for your first task! 📚 We will be launching content regarding design and branding. Stay tuned! Feel free to let me know if you have any queries! Cheers and have a great day ahead!
Michał Stencel
Hello 🤗, we launched a collection of graphics that can be used in a variety of ways. Most products are generative with the ability to change various settings such as background 🖼️, color 🎨, objects 🧱 and even shapes 🍌. We are highly motivated to develop existing kits and update regularly. You can get some demos from website if you'd like to. What do you guys think? website: https://droids.design ph: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Kishore Kumar
Hello everyone, we are young group of techies planning to launch our Coding game next week, need your support and feedback. You can check it in the Playstore : https://play.google.com/store/ap... Appstore : https://play.google.com/store/ap...