I’m a quote junky, and one that’s been resonating with me lately is from Napoleon Hill’s classic, “Think and Grow Rich”:
“Every person who succeeds in any endeavor must be willing to burn his ships and cut all sources of retreat, in order to maintain that state of mind known as a BURNING DESIRE TO WIN, essential to success.”
Quick backstory for anyone bored and interested:
4 years ago I received my MBA, and “burned the ships” by deciding to pass on a great paying career opportunity to lead a new startup company. I knew if I accepted the offer, I would get comfortable making good money and in the long run wouln’t want to jeapordize financial stability. The result would have been losing my nerve for taking calculated risks, which in my opinion is the kiss of death for an entrepreneur.
I declined the offer and took the road less traveled, despite not having a clear vision and plan of action for what venture I was going to pursue.
Instead I did what any proud, independent, self respecting, 30 year old man, and newly graduated MBA recipient does...
I moved out of my own place, and into my mother’s basement, crashed on her couch, and became a Rideshare Driver for Uber/Lyft until I figured things out, and found my way forward. #LivingTheDream LOL
Ironically it was during my experience as a Ridershare Driver that I gained the inspiration for my first business venture.
After 3 years of testing different ideas, learning, listening, researching, observing, networking, falling, getting back up again, refusing to quit, and resolving to never give up...
I’ve recently decided to “burn the ships and cut all sources of retreat” by hanging up the keys, returning the vehicle, and going full steam ahead to take the hill and launch what I’ve been planning and preparing for these past few years.
I’m building an online school that teaches life skills for the modern world.
There’s so much to do in so little time. And I’m fired up!
I’m aiming for a soft launch this Saturday, September 14.
Anyone else in a similar boat of “burning your ships and cutting all sources of retreat,” either in the past, present, or soon to be future?
Hopefully you’re not in the boat when you set it on fire. Lol
David Jeremiah
Hustle Crew Academy