Our previous conversation went very well. I put around 10 books in my reading list, thank you all. Now I have to find time to read these all 🚀. So, new month, new books, lets share!
Hey folks,
Here are my reads for February:
- Built to Last by James Collins and Jerry Porras
- The Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen
- How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams
-The Little Book of Stoicism by Jonas Salzgeber
- The Manual by Epictetus
I also wrote summaries for all of them - if you're interested.
- Overcome: Crush Adversity with the Leadership Techniques of America's Toughest Warriors
- Everything is F*cked: A Book About Hope
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
- Mindfulness in Plain English
@ivaylo_durmonski Don't know yet. I finished the The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck in January, right before starting Everything is F*cked. However, I am still laughing hard :-D.
I read Obviously Awesome by April Dunford - absolutely recommend to really understand positioning.
I also read Rob Walling's Start Marketing The Day You Start Coding, which is a compilation of some of his best articles and he provides it as a free ebook! https://robwalling.com/assets/eb...
@4th_roommate she provides a 10 step process that helps you re evaluate and reconstruct your positioning statement. Her main point is that the category you define your product in can either help you or hurt you depending on what light it puts you in and adjusting that can save u. There’s a good article on the Userlist blog about how they used her framework for their product to fix their positioning and finally got a lot of customers. https://userlist.com/positioning...
I'm in the middle of Allen Carr's The Easy Way to Mindfullness. From quitting smoking to conquering a fear of flying, the man just has a way of hypnotizing readers into bettering themselves on a wide array of fronts.
@4th_roommate Absolute must read book for anyone that is running a business. A lot of business planning is about forecasting and the methods they discuss in the book are essential to help people understand that process.
1. Damn Good Advice by George Lois: If you like quick hits of creative wisdom
2. 101 Creative Problem Solving Techniques by James Higgins: If you like systems to jailbreak creativity
3. Cashvertising by Drew Whitman: If you like actually practical neuromarketing information
4. Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu/Ursula K. Le Guin: If you like emotional intelligence
5. The Art of Conversation by Catherine Blyth: If you like heart to hearts
6. Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss: If you like poignant entrepreneurial tactics
Highly recommend all of them. Had a great month last month :D
I read two books:
1. Chanel Miller's memoir Know My Name per my own experience as a survivor and the nature of my app
2. Minda Hart's book The Memo per my own experiences in corporate america and my effort to ensure equity for all women in my company (and anyplace where I have a seat at the table)
February Reads:
1. The Ride of a Lifetime - Robert Iger (Definitely a must read)
2. The Great Mental Models - Shane Parrish
3. Data and Reality - William Kent
4. Angel - Jason Calacanis
If you want more book recommendations, you can check this blog post on my 2019 reading list: https://www.masharty.com/blog/my...
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