Options trading made simple.
Chris Messina
Gatsby — Options trading made simple.

Gatsby is a reimagined options trading app that cuts through the jargon and makes options simple, social, and approachable to everyone.

Sabri Helal
I'm very skeptical about these products that "simplify" things like options trading. There's a lot of depth to options trading that goes beyond betting on an upside or downside of a stock and these products seem to be adopt this vulture-like mentality of trying to engage a lot of potential investors by saying here's this really way to make a lot of money in the market and this simple approach. You can lose a LOT of money trading options and the risks are far greater than just trading stocks ( time value is against you when you buy options, not when you buy stocks, you can lose money on loss of volatility in options etc...)
Jeff Myers
Thanks Chris, and hey guys - thanks for checking out Gatsby! We think that options are really powerful, and yet none of our friends use them because they feel too complicated. We wanted to re-think the experience to make it simpler and more social. We're in beta and are onboarding waitlisters each week over the next couple months. Please signup and give us feedback!
Jeff Myers
@jeffmyers123 Answering a couple q's below! There is no account minimum to get started. You connect your bank details securely with Plaid, and can start trading within a few minutes of signing up. You can see what your friends are trading on / against. We don't do binary options!
Alex Palma
Great UX - Great way to give normal people like me easy access to options trading. Can I long Gatsby?
vishal shah
This is great. I'm interested in options trading so would love to try this out. Do I need an existing brokerage account (etrade, etc) that you link to in order to place options trades, or are you guys a new type of broker similar to how robinhood is?
Duncan Campbell
I have really enjoyed using the beta version of this product. Makes something complex so simple and accessible for anyone.
Jeff Myers
@duncan_campbell Glad you like it :)
Peter Miles
This is a brilliant product that gives everyone now the 'option' (uh hu!) of trading within a much simpler and intuitive environment - great job Gatsby - well done.
charan lekkalapudi
How much does it cost to trade options ?
Jeff Myers
@trolling42 It's free. Gatsby doesn't charge any commissions.
Charlie Curran
Cheers Jeff for the incredible evening product testing. Really excited to start using it on the official launch.

Needs to have a big market of users


Simple easy to use and cheap


Needs more users

Albert Guðlaugsson
Sick UI!! What stocks can I trade on?
Jeff Myers
@albertgudl Thanks Albert. Any stock or ETF with a liquid options market behind it 👍
Jeff Myers
Emil Veltchev
This is awesome - what's the minimum amount to start trading?
Jeff Myers
@emil_veltchev There's no minimum!
Matt Pukas
Will Gatsby be available in Canada or other countries outside the US?
Jeff Myers
@mattyp93 Launching initially just in the US. Expanding into Canada and Europe soon after.
Hunter Gray
Is the project still alive?
isabelle o' keeffe
Looks like a great product guys. Just one question can I see what my friends are trading?
Jeff Myers
@isabelleokeeffe Yep. Can follow friends, and see what other Gatsby users are trading on (for or against).
Patrekur M Magnusson
This looks promising, I just signed up for the waitlist 🤘
Ryan Sal
@drepheitur Thanks! Also remember to refer friends to jump up the waitlist.
Alissa Letkowski
How much do I need to know going in? I've never traded options before.
Ryan Sal
@al_seeclickfix We really want users to be able to make their first trade without any prior knowledge of options other than a suspicion that the stock will move up or down by a certain date.
Ómar Yamak
looks crisp, I look forward to try it :D!!!
Jeff Myers
@omar_yamak Means a lot from you Omar 🤙
Thomas Bond
Love this idea! Have used the beta version and it's super simple and intuitive. Great work guys
Pranav Sachdev
Really excited for this, I think the social component could be a lot of fun.
Grant Cleveland
Awesome product guys. Well done. I’d love to see more of this for the European market.