The original product discovery platform.
Evan Varsamis

The Gadget Flow — We help you discover the coolest products of the web


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Evan Varsamis
@pt Hey Parker, So basically our goal is to simplify online product exploration by showcasing 9-12 new products on a daily basis. There are lots of products coming out on a weekly basis which makes it impossible to stay updated. That's where we come in, we do all the research and present you great content everyday. We have lots of exciting features coming up such as Custom Feed for Users which pulls data from either your Wishlist Profile or Facebook Profile and delivers you 100% targeted products that you want to see.
Parker Thompson
How do you guys stay on top of all these products?
Evan Varsamis
@pt We've developed an internal algorithm, called PEVAL which stands for product evaluation that gives the opportunity to all Gadget Flow team members to vote for their favorite products, the best ones get published within the next days.
Parker Thompson
What sets you guys apart from the gadget blogs and product review sites, or even sites like product hunt?
Marvin Liao
This is a cool. My typical question: what do u see beyond Gadgets?
Evan Varsamis
@marvinliao High Quality Products in general, we don't feature just gadgets. We want to de-clutter online product exploration for everyone by surfacing the best products of the web daily! We also have our Blog which is dedicated to in-depth product reviews. You can also sign up and start saving your favorite products in to a private or public wishlist.
Parker Thompson
Do you do a pure affiliate model, or are you working directly with manufacturers to ship goods? What will you do in the future in this regard (scaling affiliate can be challenging)?
Evan Varsamis
@pt We do affiliation when possible but we also accept sponsored product submissions. Indeed it's challenging to scale with an affiliation model but we are not focused on that. We focus on providing the best possible shopping experience for our users therefore we are planning to Push the feature of "One Cart" as we call it during 2015 which will let you order products from multiple websites by simply providing payment & shipping details just once.
Robert Mao
A really beautiful designed site. I see a few products are actually from Fancy, It sounds to me The Gadget Flow is actually a (vertical) competitor of Fancy.
Evan Varsamis
@mave99a Thanks for your kind words =)
Evan Varsamis
@mave99a Thanks for your kind words =)
Evan Varsamis
@mave99a Thanks for your kind words =)
Evan Varsamis
@mave99a Thanks for your kind words =)
We have a powerful dashboard breaks down all the high priority information that is recommended for you to take immediate action on. It allow you to monitor weekly sales in comparison to previous week, thus helping you to take necessary action to boost your sales.