Hiten Shah

The Future of Remote Work Report - The barriers to remote work are falling fast, find out why.


An in-depth report about remote work growth. Analysis of 11,000 job postings from We Work Remotely. Remote work recruiting tips. Where remote work is headed. Find all this and more in The Future of Remote Work Report.

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Hiten Shah
Is remote work really growing? How has remote hiring changed over time? Where is remote work headed next? These were the questions we were excited to answer with our analysis of the 11k jobs posted on We Work Remotely since 2014. With so many people suddenly exposed to working from home, the future we expect is likely to accelerate: šŸ‘‰ More companies from an increasingly diverse set of locations will hire remote team members across the globe. šŸ’” Learn why we think this is what comes next based on our data-informed research in partnership with We Work Remotely. We would love to hear your thoughts and reactions in the comments!
@hnshah Congratulations on the release of your report! You might be interested in this need gap - 'Creating a team with only remote employees' posted on my platform - https://needgap.com/problems/38-.... You're welcomed to join that discussion to share your views on that problem and to share your report as well.
Marie Prokopets
When we first started analyzing the 11,000 remote roles from We Work Remotely, things were normal. But soon, the coronavirus pandemic struck. Suddenly, everyone was remote. The rules of remote work completely changed in an instant. Thatā€™s why writing this report was so interesting: Itā€™s a snapshot in time of the growth of remote work for the last six years. Here are just a few of the things we learned through our analysis: šŸŒŽMost remote jobs posted on WWR came from companies based in English-speaking countries. šŸŒ‰The number one fully-remote hiring city in the world? Companies headquartered in San Francisco. šŸ”Fully-remote roles come primarily from smaller companies. Remote work will never be the same again. Check out the report to learn about where remote work has been and where itā€™s going. Plus, the folks at We Work Remotely were nice enough to provide a discount code for your next fully-remote job posting šŸ˜€
Pradip Khakhar
Interested to see that 1% PM remote role increase in the future. Good job as always @marie_prokopets and @hnshah and the rest of the team šŸ’Ŗ
Marie Prokopets
@hnshah @pradipcloud Thanks so much Pradip! I'm curious to see how the number of PM roles grows going forward.
Justine Shu
Big props to @hnshah, @marie_prokopets and the FYI team for analyzing over 11,000 of our jobs from the last 6 years (2014-2019) and gathering their evidence into yet another snappy report! In the last year, we've observed the general conversation around remote work change from, "Is it possible?" to "How can we make this work?" And, that was before coronavirus forced most of us to start working from home. Obviously, when we handed our data over, we didnā€™t anticipate this report would be released during a pandemic. We know times are tough right now. But we also believe remote work will continue to grow -- the stats have been pointing to this for years. How will that all unfold? Nobody truly knows. But weā€™re excited to find out. As they say, challenging times induce innovation and creativity. What will happen once a large number of people who never worked remotely experience remote work, and actually like it? Work flexibility will continue to be something that more and more candidates seek and offering it as a benefit will keep you competitive. Operating as a remote company will pay you back tenfold in the long run. If thereā€™s at least one good thing that will come out of this terrible situation, it is that remote work will continue to rise and that more people will work flexibly in the future.
Marouf Khan
This is brilliant report and insight. Thanks