Create stunning 3D interactive portfolios effortlessly with our free, no-code web app. Enjoy responsive designs, SEO friendly, and lightning-fast performance without extra loading. Showcase your work like never before!
Greetings, I'm Valentin, a serial entrepreneur, and I'm thrilled to unveil my latest creation as an IndieMaker.
Online 3D experiences have captivated us for years, but mastering 3D engines has been a complex journey—until now. Enter FuryPage, the nocode tool that empowers everyone to effortlessly wield captivating 3D effects in their landing pages.
FuryPage Advantages:
🌐 Responsive: Say goodbye to mobile compatibility issues! FuryPage seamlessly adapts your 3D content for all devices using Bootstrap logic.
💨 No Extra Loading: Ditch the heavy loading bars! FuryPage employs text and images within the 3D engine, ensuring lightning-fast performance without large asset loads.
🚀 Performance First: Optimal rendering with simple shapes (primarily planes) sets FuryPage apart, providing a smoother 3D experience online.
🔍 SEO Optimized: Your HTML content remains accessible and Google-friendly, just like any other website.
Unlock the power of 3D portfolios with FuryPage, hope you will enjoy it!
Thanks @alexanderptitsyn for the kind words!
I hope so too. The technology is flexible and can be customized according to needs, so if you have a specific use case, don't hesitate to share it and I will see what we can do ;)
This looks and feels super cool! Love to see more 3D being used on websites.
Are you planning to add the ability to download & self host the generated websites? Or alternatively the ability to connect a custom domain?
Thank you @newyearnewphil for those warm words.
I didn't mention it, but you can already publish the generated websites, which will be accessible on a single url. So you can connect it to a custom domain with a simple redirect.
I could easily add the ability to download the generated HTML for self-hosting. Do you have a specific use case in mind?
@pichoupichou good point, but then the URL in the browser would still change, right?
I just think things look more professional if I can bring my own domain, that I also use for my contact email etc.
For no-code folks, integrating this feature into the product in the same way Shopify and traditional website builders do would be nice to have, possibly even as part of the paid plan that removes the watermark.
Hi @newyearnewphil, this is exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for!
It's possible to have a redirect that doesn't change the url but I agree that the best solution would be to manage the custom domain like any other website builder.
This feature isn't easy to add but it's already in my roadmap. If this prevents you from making full use of FuryPage, I can push the priority of this feature higher ;)
Great no-code tool! Love all the settings in the interface: really easy to customize and create my own landing page! Can’t wait to see more and congrats for the work you‘ve done already!
@jasmine_butters of course!
The interface has been designed to meet the expectations of no-coders.
Using simple inputs, you'll be able to design everything you need without having to code anything.
Later on, we also plan to add integration with other no-code tools that will complement a website builder like FuryPage.
Hi @daniel_kelly8, yes FuryPage is free to use because I don't want anything to stop people testing it. This is the very beginning, and the main aim of this launch is to gather feedback from potential users.
For the moment, the interface is indeed only available in English. What language do you need?
Hello Valentin, congratulations ! This application is incredible, I will be able to use it to make presentations or anything else. It’s a pleasure to use the application ! See you 👏🏼
Wow man. What an achievement! This is a wonderful tool. I can think of dozens of improvement, but for an alpha version what an amazing tool. You will have no problems having customers to pay for this, once it is finished.
I would suggest instead of just charging for publishing on a custom domain, you can offer this tool as a subscription.
A proper no code 3D website builder by a solopreneur. Great work!
@aditya_kumar_saroj, Your feedback is a real pleasure to read. Thanks!
You mention dozens of improvements. Can you tell us about the two you feel are the most important?
For the time being, I will only charge you if you wish to remove the FuryPage watermark from the site you publish. Then this is an annual subscription.
Looks cool. Idea: I'm on my Phone right now and since the app only works on desktop you might wanna add an email form to the mobile landing page, so I can get a link to the app sent to my mail for future checking-out when I get back on my work-computer.
Dudes, I just got a headache from each of the 6 templates in your builder. some of the effects (especially on the fonts) make my eyes hurt. for the end user of the site, it's just more scrolling between screens of the typical business card site.
Hi @alexshepard, sorry to read you had this issue.
Can you share with your configuration so that I can check and reproduce what you saw in order to fix it?
Thanks a lot for the feedback.
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