@mehedih_@perpetuous@kiwison both of these comments are ridiculous and don't belong on Product Hunt. Of course you should own whichever phone you prefer, and of course apps will always be released on one platform or another first. Most "early adopter / PH / techy" stuff is iPhone first but any apps that stick around will come to both platforms. It takes 2-4x longer to build for both platforms than just one, so calm down.
Would be great for Tech and business news ! Hope this works and grows so that i don't have to go through noisy twitter to find out whats happening in the world
@russ_sm the maker is mathias nilles, I couldn't locate his personal website or twitter to add him as maker 😟 but I did leave an app review and advising him of the Hunt.
Not sure how this is any different than Hourly News besides the colorful cards. Hourly News by Urban Apps wont let me link here but it is what i currently use.
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